My son just busted me. SANTA brought Isabella this very cute personalized backpack for Christmas. He put juice, snacks and a sippy cup in it. SANTA also brought Christopher a camouflage cooler filled with IBC Rootbeer, camouflage popcorn and I'm drawing a blank on what else was in there? One of the teacher's at Isabella's daycare asked me the other day where I got her backpack and I told her in Canton but I should have the business card with the website. I didn't have time to look for it so I told her I'd find it and let her know. Things happen, life took over my mind (along with many other crappy things) and I forgot to look. That was, until now. I remembered and decided to come sit down real quick and look for it...and I said this out loud to my son. His reply was..."I thought Santa brought Isabella that backpack?" Oh SHIT! All I could do was just look at him for what seemed like an eternity and quickly try to figure out what the heck to say to him. And this finally came out...
"you're absolutely right"
looooooong pause
"but Santa tells me where he gets stuff"
"oh really, well what's the name of the website?"
"well if I remembered, do you think I'd have to look it up?" smart ass--takes after his Dad!
The conversation ends and I try to find the place I, me, his Mom, Isabella's Mom, a.k.a. SANTA, got this cute bag but I can't find it. He finishes his dinner and gets a bowl of ice cream, comes back, sits down and I say...
"well, I guess SANTA didn't get her bag off a website because I can't find it...must have made it in his workshop" DUH!!!
He's forgotten about by now and says thank you for picking up his favorite ice cream at the store today. All these years that my son has believed in Santa I have always worried that some punk kid would be the one to spoil it for him years before he's ready to know or wants to know. Little did I know or even think that it would be a punk Mommy spoiling the fun. My son turns 11 in just a few short weeks and I know he is getting to that age of figuring things out, but if you're a Mom, I think you will understand when I say I want that innocence to stay with him for as long as possible. I think he has forgotten about for now. Crisis diverted. I say this as I listen and watch him play with his sister and make her laugh out loud.