Wednesday, March 31, 2010

March 31

There are days on the calendar that I look forward to, days that I simply can't wait to see.  The excitement and anticipation sometimes is so great (depending on the event) that I can't concentrate on anything.  Likewise, there are days that I just dread.  With these days I sometimes can't breathe because I dread them so bad.  Today is one of them.  I agree with my sister's post on Facebook this morning asking if we could just remove March 31st from the calendar altogether...just skip it.  The memory of this day 3 years ago is not one I will ever forget.  It still seems very fresh to me, like it was just yesterday.  The pain of this day is still strong, possibly even stronger than before.  I knew what was coming in the days and months leading up to this day but hoped and prayed for a miracle so it wouldn't arrive.  I dread this day this day like I dread February 8th.  I think this should be a holiday for my family.  I don't think we should have to answer to anyone on this day.  And I think we should do something to honor this very special lady....

Gladys Ann Vyvial Berger 

3 years ago today, God and his angels took Momma from this life, took her from all the pain she was enduring with the cancer.  They took her to a place very beautiful and peaceful.  They took her to her new home in heaven.  I was happy that Momma was pain free, but not happy she couldn't be with us anymore.  I miss her every single day, a part of her is with me every single day, I think of her every single day and remember something she taught me every single day.  She fought her cancer with such grace and courage.  She wasn't happy about it, but she accepted it and fought like hell.  She reminds me of that fight, that grace and that courage every single day when I want to give up, when I feel broken, when I feel lost, when I feel I can't be strong anymore.  She continues to teach me. I love you Momma and I miss you every single day. 

Monday, March 22, 2010

First Monday After Spring Break

Me and my kids...we don't like Mondays.  We especially don't like the first Monday that falls after Spring Break.  We had such a tough time getting up and moving this morning.  This little cold front that blew in Saturday doesn't help things either because it makes us just want to stay in bed and snuggle with our warm blankets.  As much as I love the cold weather, I'm ready for it to be gone and Spring to stay a while.  We were all were yawning on the way out this morning as we talked about how tired we were.  I told Chris to look on the bright side of things.  He would have school this week and then only 4 days next week and then a 3-day weekend for Easter.  That made him feel a little better but he still wanted to go back to sleep.  I don't blame him one bit.  I hope his teachers are not fans of the first Monday after Spring Break as well and take it easy on the kids today, taking things slow and letting them get back in the groove of things.  Nope, not a fan of Mondays...and boo-hiss to the first Monday after Spring Break...maybe it should be a holiday too! 

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Every Woman Should

This poem has been sent to me several times from my wonderful family and friends.  I just saw it again on a blog called The Lettered Cottage.  I was recently introduced to this blog by my girlfriend Jana and I love it! 

I thought this poem would be a great post for today since some of these things I myself am revisiting and learning again...


Enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of her own even if she never wants to or needs to...

Something perfect to wear if the employer or date of her dreams wants to see her in an hour...

A youth she's content to leave behind....

A past juicy enough that she's looking forward to retelling it in her old age.

A set of screwdrivers, a cordless drill, and a black lace bra...

One friend who always makes her laugh,

And one who lets her cry...

A good piece of furniture not previously owned by any one else in her family...

Eight matching plates, wine glasses with stems, and a recipe for a meal that will make her guests feel honored...

A feeling of control over her destiny.


How to fall in love without losing herself.

How to quit a job, break up with a lover, and confront a friend without losing the friendship.

When to try harder...

And when to walk away.

She can't change the length of her calves, the width of her hips, or the nature of her parents.

Her childhood may not have been perfect...but its over.

What she would and wouldn't do for love or more.

How to live alone...even if she doesn't like it.

Whom she can trust, whom she can't, and why she shouldn't take it personally.


Be it to her best friend's kitchen table or a charming inn in the woods when her soul needs soothing.

What she can and can't accomplish in a Day...a month...and a year...

Pamela Redmond Satran

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pink Eye

Yes, it was confirmed about an hour ago that I do indeed have pink eye.  I've never had pink eye before.  I quite honestly thought I just had something in my eye that I couldn't wash out (guess I did-snicker, snicker) because my eye hurts more than anything.  I never knew it was this painful.  My wonderful eye doctor gave me an antibiotic, which I'm waiting on to be filled, and eye wash that I will be enjoying every hour.  Always heard pink eye was contagious so naturally my concern has now gone to my kids.  How do I keep them from getting this?  My hands are already going raw from washing them so much this morning.  I've taken Clorox wipes and have been cleaning everything possible and washing binkies, cups and bottles before my girl gets home.  Do you think I could make a bubble of sorts to put me in...something with hands and legs so I can still do all the things that need to be done but so I wouldn't be contagious?  Did I spell that right?  Contagious?  Just doesn't look right and I don't have spellcheck on my blog.  Sorry...side-tracked there.  Anyway...I'm home today and thinking of 34 million things I could get done but most of it involves leaving the house to take care of errands that I would otherwise have to do in the evenings after work.  We're going to Victoria Saturday to see my Dad's family. We get together with them at least 2 times a year...this would be our Spring gathering.  Just need to get drinks, snacks and make some kind of dish to take.  I'm thinking a pasta salad...both the kids like that and its easy to make.  Maybe if I wore gloves while I'm out?  You see how my mind works...all over the place all the time, thinking, thinking, thinking.  Am I the only one who does this?  Okay, okay...I'm gonna go but to sum it up.  I have pink eye, it sucks, I'm cleaning everything, wanting to run errands so I don't have to tomorrow evening, thinking about dishes to make and did I mention I have pink eye and it sucks?  Have a good one!     

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

14 Months & Running

Miss Isabella turned 14 months old yesterday.  I was just sitting here thinking about all the funny things she does and how good she is getting at all the new things she is trying to do.  For instance, stepping down from the kitchen door to the garage. Its a big step for my girl but she is getting the hang of it quite well.  She loves being outside--LOVES IT!  I'm so happy warmer days are coming and rainy days are fewer.  I know its hard to believe you're seeing those words come from me but we have fun playing outside, especially with bubbles.  Did I mention my girl also loves bubbles.  We went on a bubble-making toys finding mission this past weekend.  We found a couple things but I still think there is more to be found!  Sweet Bella also loves balls.  I have been trying to find something for her along those lines for when baseball/softball games start.  Something to help keep her happy while we're at the games.  Of course it has to be in pink so I haven't really found anything yet.  She is getting the hang of a sippy cup...I rarely give her a bottle during the day, only when she's in one of her really fussy, I just need one suck from my bottle and I'll be out type moods.  I need to try (gulp) taking her bottle away at night (gulp again).  I dread this transition, truly dread it.  Christopher was so easy with this.  Once he figured the sippy cup out, he said the heck with bottles.  And the sweet boy never was interested in a binky.  Not my girl.  The binky has saved my life on more than one occasion, especially at night...same with the bottle.  God bless the inventor of those things.  But seriously, I've got one month to break this girl off the bottle.  I've been reading up and have a few ideas but I'm still dreading it.  Do you have any tips?  Vanilla Oreos--I've created a mini version of me and my sister!  The girl loves them, just as we do and knows exactly where they are in the cabinet!  Which brings me to something else she is doing well...and its so dang cute!  She will go to the cabinet/pantry and get whatever she is interested in and bring it to Mommy to give her.  Oh I love it!  She's getting better about picking things up that she really shouldn't remotes, phones, dirt, grass, whatever and if I say, "bring it to Mommy", she will bring it to me.  I always say thank you...and sometimes she will say, "you're welcome".  Love it!  Her brother--have I mentioned before that she adores her brother?  I really think she gushes when she sees him.  Its such a sweet relationship those two have.  He feels the same about her.  Crinkling that sweet nose when she smiles--she gets that from me (giggle, giggle).  I could keep going but I'm fairly certain I'm about to run out of room and you just might be possibly bored with my ramblings about my 14 month old daughter.  To sum it up, Isabella is a very happy girl and that makes me happy...except when she's fussy and then I search frantically for her binky!  Have a good one!       

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Today Is My Friday

I have an extra skip in my step today because today is my work that is.  I'm off tomorrow.  We work 9-hour days so we can have a day off every other week.  My day is Friday.  I so look forward to my 3-day weekends.  Its just nice to have that extra day to get things done or to do absolutely nothing. I typically make appointments on my day off and save errand running for this day because let's face it, errand running and appointments are a lot easier minus two kids.  I don't have to pack up the house to leave!  Ha!  I have a few things to do tomorrow and one big appointment.  Its not really a big appointment but it is because this will be the 5th time I've scheduled this appointment.  I've had to cancel it every time before because of this or that and something else.  I don't even want to say what this appointment is because I'm afraid I will jinx things.  I probably shouldn't even be mentioning it...but so far, its looking good.  I'm also looking forward to this weekend because they say its supposed to maybe hit the 70s and I so want to let the kids play outside.  Maybe I'll attempt to grill something?  I can't remember the last time I tried to grill anything.  I'm sure it was back when Jeff and I were first married.  Can't be that bad, right?  Especially since I have a gas grill.   I can do this.  Think positive Missy.  Okay, I'm done talking to myself.  Hey...y'all have a great weekend and enjoy this nice weather we've been having!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Cynthia Lynn

Today is my little sister's birthday.  She's not just my sister but she is my best friend.  Over the years we have grown closer.  We love spending time together....doing nothing really.  We can just hang out and catch up and be totally fine with that.  Don't get me wrong, we love to shop together but the pocketbook doesn't always allow that so we come up with other things to entertain ourselves.  Our movie line game is an ongoing thing between us.  We constantly recite lines from movies so the other can name the movie.  Its almost become part of us.  "I like pizza"  "This is the last round"  "Can't you see it? Its there you know"  I could go on...but I think you get the picture.  My niece Cori asked us one time if we always got along.  For the most part yes but there were some rocky moments growing up.  We fought like any good sisters do and I vaguely remember drawing a line down the middle of our room (yes, we shared a room growing up) but now, I can't imagine not involving my sister in anything.   We talk almost daily via email, text message or phone call--sometimes all of the above and I love that.  I hope it never changes.  My sister is the best everything, she does everything at 100% plus and loves even more than that.  Happy Birthday sister, my pal, my best friend, Cindy, Sue, Steve, Sis (I think that's it)...cheers to you and here's to 36 awesome years and many, many more to come!  Love you!