This sweet girl is 19 months old! 19 months old! Do you hear me? Its so hard to believe. I mean, wasn't it just yesterday I was bringing her home from the hospital, learning how to care for a baby again, freaking out every time she made a noise that didn't sound normal, scared to leave the house by myself with her...but loving every stinkin' minute of my time with her. Yep, I do believe that was just yesterday.
Miss Isabella Marie is such a fun girl. She has the best personality which she is showing off in the picture above. This was her disguise in Wal-Mart so the papparazzi wouldn't find her. I am amazed every day at all the new things my girl is learning to do. A new word here...climbing onto something there...a look she's never given me before....and the loving she gives is the absolute best!
I'm so glad I have this blog to document her milestones because lets face it, the baby book hasn't received much attention in quite a while!
I haven't put you on the scale to see what you weigh, but Mommy is building up some serious muscles, that for sure! You're still my chunky princess and I love it!
When I hold you, you will pat my back and then rub my back. It is the sweetest feeling...that little hand.
You also will wrap your little arms around my neck and squeeze really tight...another sweet feeling.
You give kisses now and also getting really good at blowing kisses...with sound!
You have your pageant wave down pat!
Your smile is contagious!
Words you are saying...Mommy, Bubba, Dada, Binky (or something like it), Elmo, Fish, Thank you, Cookie...
You still love your binky.
Shoes. You love shoes (see pictures below) and you love to wear shoes. I love shoes but I certainly don't like wearing them. I would walk around barefoot if I could during the summer time so I'm not sure where that comes from. love to read and to be read to. You love pointing to different things in the books and have us tell you what it is. still LOVE music and LOVE to dance!
Food...fruit chews, dry cereal, chicken, rice, mac n cheese, avocado, sausage, crackers, salad, goldfish, cookies, raviolis, soup, grilled cheese, scrambled eggs, pancakes, juice, gatorade, milk, ICE!!
I love picking you up from daycare in the afternoons because every time I see you, you run to me with the biggest smile on your face and it makes all Mommy's worries, stress and unpleasantries go away.
I love you sweet girl. Thank you for bringing so much joy into my life.