Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Coming To A Close

2011 is coming to a close in just a few short days.  It has been a better year for us.  We said good-bye to an old place and closed out the final chapter of a book that started many years ago but we also started a whole new book and said hello to a special new place.  We've made new friends and learned how to do new things.  I think I have made great progress on this journey of being a single mom, still more to learn but I am enjoying the ride.  I still get aggravated when things don't move at the pace I like them to move at, like being settled in my new house, having everything hung on the walls, storage projects complete but I am finding that it only bothers ME.  Go figure!

2011 has definitely been a better year for me and my monkeys and its ending on a good happy note with lots of sunshine in the forecast for 2012!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Gold Shoes

Back in the day my Mom wore these gold shoes or slippers.  She wore them everywhere and with everything.  I say everything...she would wear nice dress shoes or heels when going to church and what not but around the house, running errands, going to baseball games...the gold shoes were on her feet.  I can remember some of the baseball players on my brother's teams saying, "Mrs. wearing those lucky shoes again?"  And she would!  She would have backups in the closet...boxes and boxes of backups of these gold slippers when a new pair was needed.  When she quit finding them in the stores, she found a catalog to order from. Eventually she couldn't find them anymore and had to settle on something else.  But we all remember Mom and her gold shoes.

A couple years ago, my sister saw some gold shoes and decided she and I needed to get a pair to honor Mom.  We searched and couldn't find the ones she had seen before and eventually found out they were only seasonal and they were TOMS.  Last Christmas Urban Eve had a kiosk out at the mall with these seasonal shoes...silver, black and yes GOLD!  We were on it...and so began our tradition of "Gold Shoe Kind of Days".  It started out that whenever we would get together with Mom's family, we would wear them for Mom to always have a part of her there with us.  In addition to our gold shoes, my sis and I always wear a piece of Mom's jewelry on those days as well.  But there are days when we just feel like its "a gold shoe kind of day" and we'll wear our gold shoes and think of Mom.  She loved those shoes and thought they were the most comfortable things in the world.  Funny how we all have those kinds of shoes or jeans or shirts and if we could, we'd have boxes and boxes of backups. 

Cheers to you Mom!!  Miss you every day!


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Losing My Touch

Miss Toot Marie found one of her Christmas presents last night. 

A pink stick horse I have had hidden since October and she discovered it under the bed last night.  She was so excited and happy about it I couldn't get upset.  Just told her Merry Christmas!!  She giddy-upped, yahoo'd all over the house for quite a while...and decided to name her horse Pinky.  Original huh.  Decided I am losing my touch and need to work on my hiding skills some more.  Although that is/was the only present hidden under the bed.  :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Its December already?

Is it just me or is anyone else having trouble believing its really December 1st?  The time is just flying by at warp speed.  I feel like I just finished up Christmas shopping for last year and bam...its here again.  I'm also having trouble feeling Christmas this year. I usually have the Christmas music going by now but I'm just not feeling it.  In fact, when I hear a song on the radio, I switch stations and that is so NOT LIKE ME.  Maybe once I get the house decorated, presents wrapped and under the tree I'll get into it more.  I hope so because I really do love Christmas.  I honestly think it all goes back to the whole time flying by thing.   

Having said all that, I have been Christmas shopping and I would say I'm about halfway done, possibly more.  Doing pretty good, knocking some things off the list, kicking butt and taking names but still more to do. Bound and determined not to be doing any last minute shopping.  Want to enjoy my time off and not be rushing around like a mad woman.  :)

Hope you are having a beautiful first day of December.