Thursday, May 31, 2012

Marilyn Inspired...

LOVE this!

At least some of us like to think so.  :)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Running Behind

I know, I'm behind again.  Here are some pics from "A Dress A Day in May" and other stuff...

Day 19
Dress & Bracelet - Sunny Hearts
Flip Flops - Forever Treasures
This was taken at the Randy Rogers concert at the Strawberry Festival.  Oh he was so good.  I've waited many years to see him.  Planned on it so many times before but life always got in the way.  Finally made it and it was awesome! 

Day 21
Back to work Monday Blues 
This dress was picked up on the clearance rack at Kohl's last summer :)

Day 22
Outfit from the back of the closet

Day 23
More from the back of the closet...

Day 24
Skirt is back of the closet
Same ole black shoes
Tops are from The Limited

Day 27
Me and the babies at our cousin's wedding. 
Dress and shoes from Macy's
And I'm proud to say this is its 3rd appearance at a wedding!  :) 
I did change the jewelry out this time around. 
Bracelet from Charming Charlies
Earrings on clearance at Dillards

Day 29
More back of the closet

Only a few more days to go.  The hardest part for me is sticking with it through the weekends.  I just don't have a lot of casual dresses for the weekends and when I'm piddling around the house, a dress is the last thing I really want to wear.  I also am not keen on taking pictures every day.  For me its the same pose so it gets old.  I guess if I participate in this challenge next year, I should try and have some fun with my pictures, make it a little more interesting. 

Went out for dinner and drinks with friends from work a couple weeks ago.  We try to get together every now and then but it gets hard with everyone's schedules.  Here's our picture from that night at El Toro.  We always have a great time, just wish we could do it more often. 

Lauren, me and Linda

Going back to work after Isabella was born was hard.  More difficult than it was after I had the boys for various reasons.  If you've read my blog from the beginning, you know why.  The daycare my daughter goes to takes great care of her (and me) and has since day one.  In fact, they pretty much spoil my child.  Every day when I pick her up she runs to me for hugs and then runs to the front desk to get cookies or crackers or whatever Ms. Marilyn may have for her.  Friday when I picked her up Ms. Marilyn sent her home with crackers and bananas...see below

As you can see, it wasn't just a was a whole box and 3 bananas!!  Spoiled rotten!  But I do love that they take extra care of her and that Ms. Marilyn loves her as one of her own.  She is good to us and I am grateful for that.

There you have life in pictures for the last couple of weeks. 

Oh BTW...I've started the 3rd and final book of the Shades of Grey Trilogy.  Man I'm gonna be sad when I get to the end...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Fifty Shades of Grey

Finally finished the first book.  Kind of sucks being a single mom because you want to read this crack book but you can't devote the time you want because you're a mom and you have all this other stuff that takes priority over it, so it takes you a little longer to get to sit down and actually read.  But its not just any book...its Fifty Shades of awesomeness.  I totally agree that there will be a surge in babies being named "Grey". Totally seeing it in the top ten. 

So yes, I finally finished book one and I can't wait to get into the next book.  I'm totally sucked into this trilogy!

I will not tell you again (well maybe I will) YOU.MUST.READ.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

A Dress A Day In May I accepted the challenge to try "A Dress A Day In May".  I included the link in my last post but I'm including it again if you're curious and want to check it out.

My cousin Caryn paticipated in it last year and mentioned it again on Facebook last week so I decided to give it a go.  As it warms up, I like to wear dresses and skirts anyway so why not shoot for every day.  The challenge for me is continuing this on the weekends...and taking the pictures to post.  We're just a group of ladies trying to share wardrobe ideas, maybe change the way we look at our own wardrobe, mix it up a bit by using what we have.  I like how most of the ladies tell where they got their dress, shoes and accessories from. My problem...crappy memory.  I'm good to remember what I did last week, much less where I bought the current dress I'm wearing.  Having said that, I do recall some of my purchases because they were a great deal or a special occasion. The jewelry, not so much because I have quite the collection!

I picked up on this challenge Day 8.  Here are my days thus far...

Day 8 
Little Black Dress - Palais Royal

Day 9
Brown Skirt is from Kohl's...recently purchased.
Other Stuff - Back of my closet!
Bella's skirt and top are from Tar-jay! :)

Day 10
Dress - The Limited
Cardigan - Tar-jay
Shoes - Payless

Day 11
I blew it this day

Day 12
Wore a cute little sundress but didn't get a picture. :(

Day 13
Mother's Day

Day 14
Monday Blahs

Day 15
Again...particpated but didn't get a picture. 

Day 16
Little Blue Dress - Palais Royal
Shoes - Payless

There you have it up to today.   I'll try and keep you updated on my wardrobe as the weeks go by.  I'm fairly certain with skirts I have, that I can make it through the month without NEEDING to shop.  I'm not saying that won't happen but I think its a great excuse to add to my closet, don't you?  Especially shoes.  I really need another cute pair of black heels.  :) 

Have a good one!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day & Then Some

Mother's Day was especially hard for me this year.  I can't put my finger on what triggered my downward spiral into the bucket of neverending tears yesterday but I do know it was a combination of Jace, Mom and feeling very lost and alone.  Yes I had my kids and they have saved me more times than I can count but yesterday it wasn't happening.  No matter what I did, I couldn't climb out of the bucket.  I'm not going to talk anymore about this because I have finally stopped crying and tearing up thinking about it.  It just wasn't my best day. 

Highlights from the with my kids. Well that and all the fresh vegetables from my brother's garden :). 

I'm good at fake smiling and trying to mask what's breaking apart on the inside...

And this one...well it makes my heart leap when I look at far my favorite picture of these two monkeys...

I got a phone call today from one of my blog fans...i.e.."stalker" who wanted to know when I was going to write again, how come the 4th was the last time I had written and if everything was ok with me.  I laughed because in all seriousness, I was pretty sure the ONLY person reading my blog was well, me!  I know I have that pageview counter thingy and I've set it to not count the times I look at my page but I still think its somehow being rigged.  So THIS post is written especially for you sir stalker...I mean follower. 

What else has happened since the 4th?  Oh yes, I'm attempting to do "A Dress A Day In May" You can click this link to read all about it.  I'm saving that for ANOTHER POST when I can have more pictures to share with you and more time to talk/write about it.  I'm doing alright with it.  Totally blew it on Friday and Saturday I just didn't snap a picture.  Oh well, I'm trying. 

Oh, oh, oh...honey let me tell you...this girl downloaded "50 Shades of Grey" to her Nook last week. OH MY GOODNESS!!!  I'm not the only girl in the office reading this naughty little book.  Will be reading the whole trilogy, let me just say.  :)  Good stuff! Must.Check.It.Out. 

Alright...I've got to run.  More later. Don't you just love it when I leave you hanging... 

Friday, May 4, 2012

I'm Still Here

Barely hanging on at times, but still here and kicking.  Rough week.  Wednesday was downright horrible.  Just a lot of life hitting me all at once...and then some, so I crumbled. I crumbled bad.  I'll spare you from all the details but it was one of those days where I couldn't find the silver lining, couldn't find the positive that I always try so hard to do.  Wasn't happening Wednesday (that's a good title for something I think).  Thursday was a wee-bit better.  Today is Friday and I'm so very glad its Friday.  Still not my chipper happy self because life is still pulling me down but I am hoping by Monday (giving myself the weekend), things will be looking up again.  I hope you've had a much better week and have a fun weekend planned.  I'm going to lounge by the pool all weekend.  Wait...I don't have a pool!  Dadgumit!  I could get a little plastic pool for Miss Isabella and lounge by it.  Yeah no... not working for me either. 

Have a good one!