I know, I'm behind again. Here are some pics from "A Dress A Day in May" and other stuff...
Day 19
Dress & Bracelet - Sunny Hearts
Flip Flops - Forever Treasures
This was taken at the Randy Rogers concert at the Strawberry Festival. Oh he was so good. I've waited many years to see him. Planned on it so many times before but life always got in the way. Finally made it and it was awesome!
Day 21
Back to work Monday Blues
This dress was picked up on the clearance rack at Kohl's last summer :)
Day 22
Outfit from the back of the closet
Day 23
More from the back of the closet...
Day 24
Skirt is back of the closet
Same ole black shoes
Tops are from The Limited
Day 27
Me and the babies at our cousin's wedding.
Dress and shoes from Macy's
And I'm proud to say this is its 3rd appearance at a wedding! :)
I did change the jewelry out this time around.
Bracelet from Charming Charlies
Earrings on clearance at Dillards
Day 29
More back of the closet
Only a few more days to go. The hardest part for me is sticking with it through the weekends. I just don't have a lot of casual dresses for the weekends and when I'm piddling around the house, a dress is the last thing I really want to wear. I also am not keen on taking pictures every day. For me its the same pose so it gets old. I guess if I participate in this challenge next year, I should try and have some fun with my pictures, make it a little more interesting.
Went out for dinner and drinks with friends from work a couple weeks ago. We try to get together every now and then but it gets hard with everyone's schedules. Here's our picture from that night at El Toro. We always have a great time, just wish we could do it more often.
Lauren, me and Linda
Going back to work after Isabella was born was hard. More difficult than it was after I had the boys for various reasons. If you've read my blog from the beginning, you know why. The daycare my daughter goes to takes great care of her (and me) and has since day one. In fact, they pretty much spoil my child. Every day when I pick her up she runs to me for hugs and then runs to the front desk to get cookies or crackers or whatever Ms. Marilyn may have for her. Friday when I picked her up Ms. Marilyn sent her home with crackers and bananas...see below
As you can see, it wasn't just a handful...it was a whole box and 3 bananas!! Spoiled rotten! But I do love that they take extra care of her and that Ms. Marilyn loves her as one of her own. She is good to us and I am grateful for that.
There you have it...my life in pictures for the last couple of weeks.
Oh BTW...I've started the 3rd and final book of the Shades of Grey Trilogy. Man I'm gonna be sad when I get to the end...