Friday, August 30, 2013

First Friday!!

I'm the mom who didn't get pictures of the kids this year on the first day of school. Or the second. Or the third or fourth. But by golly I got it done on Friday!! Seriously, after I missed the second day I decided I would wait until Friday. Pretty sure I've done that before and what's better than a pic of my babies in their Wildcat Purple!!

I hope everyone had a great first week of school.  I know many of us are plum exhausted.  Hoping week 2 isn't as rough. 
Y'all have a good one!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

So Not Ready For School To Start

My son and I agree that neither of us is ready for school to start come Monday morning.

My work days have been so busy that when I get home in the evening I am plum tuckered out.   I certainly haven't been cooking a lot.  I have had peaks where I would cook a lot, especially while my nephew was here but that pretty much came to a stop when he left.  I'm horrible.  I know this.  I have been flipping through crock pot recipes trying to find some things that my children might eat.  Christopher has gotten better with age (don't we all?) about what he will eat and try but the resident four year old, Lord help us all.  As of late, this child has become picky about her chicken nuggets!  I am trying but my patience is running thin in the "what can I feed my children" department.  I really want to introduce some new menu items but most of what I suggest receives a turned up nose.  Often times, if I am able to throw a dish together without the children around and it smells yummy while its cooking and/or baking, they are ready to try when it comes out.  Not always the case.  Would be awesome if I were a SAHM and could have it going by the time they got home. No go for that.  I'll figure something out.  In the meantime, I am going to keep perusing recipes for new ideas and try to get into the swing of things for the new school year.  I'm moving forward thinking positive that this will be a great school year!  I hope it is for y'all as well. 

Have a good one!


Monday, August 12, 2013

I Bit The Bullet

Well I did it.  I bit the bullet and bought a new car.  I made it through the whole stressful and exhausting process.  Say hello to the White Stallion...or maybe its Wilson?  I haven't decided.

My good friend Alec accompanied me on this journey and provided guidance when I asked for it. He was super helpful.  I absolutely hated the whole car buying experience. When all was said and done, I was excited but I also felt like I was going to throw up.  By the time we left the dealership late Thursday night with my new ride, we headed straight to get me an ice cold beer so I could calm my nerves and relax for a bit.  I was completely exhausted.  Needless to say I am super glad that experience is behind me.  I absolutely LOVE me new ride.  My children love it just as much.  And oh my GOODNESS, it rides so much better than my previous car.  Its fun learning all the cool things it does.  I am pretty proud of myself and the purchase I made.  Its yet another step on my own in showing my independence and how far I've come in 3 years, and one more big item gone from that chapter in my life.  If I can make it, anyone can.

Y'all have a good one. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013

A Kind of Shopping I Don't Really Care For...

And that is car shopping.  Its exhausting and so very stressful.  I would rather someone else do it for me and let me know when its done.  I especially don't care for salesmen who don't listen to you.  That is very frustrating and very annoying.

I started this process yesterday after I (and my family) decided that I need to be in something more reliable and something that doesn't need to be in the shop every month.  With it just being myself and my children, we don't need to end up stranded somewhere, so I'm biting the bullet and buying something new.  I'm not at all thrilled about a car note but we need to do this. 

I will let you know how Day 2 of my first car buying experience on my own goes. 

Say a prayer for me. 

Actually, say a lot of prayers for me.

Please and thank you.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tears and Smiles

A very close friend of mine posted this quote on FB a couple weeks back.  I love it so much that I have added it to my list of favorite quotes....

"There is a sacredness in tears.  They are not the mark of weakness, but of power.  They speak more eloquently than ten thousands tongues.  They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love."  ~Washington Irving

Beautiful isn't it.

Last week I was digging through some photographs trying to find a picture of me and my son.  I stumbled across this one...

This picture made me smile.  I miss her so much.