Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Did I Mention...

This is also happening....

Oh yes, you are seeing that very well.  That is my son with a driver's permit in hand.

Yep, I know... I died too.

A lot of change going on in our home the last few weeks and I'm not at all certain I'm handling it very well. Most days I think I am but then days like yesterday happen and I'm a bucket full of anxiety as I wait to see my daughter to make sure she made it through her second day of school.  I can tell you the first time this happened....

My heart about popped out of my chest.  He did a great job but I had the biggest lump in my throat the entire hour long drive.  I know it was a mix of "holy hell, my son is driving my car" and "oh my gosh, my baby is really driving" to "please God, let him get us home".  I knew I would not handle this driving thing well at all. My anxiety has been building ever since I signed the boy up for the class.  I finally understand the levels of anxiety, the hours of worry my parents felt every time I left the house by myself when I first began driving.  I get it.  I feel sick now just thinking about it.  Will he pay attention at all times?  Will he leave all that other shit alone in the car and focus on the task at hand?  I now wish we had lived out of town on acreage for me to let him practice driving or taken him to the fairgrounds in town to drive around.  Something, anything.  I should have done more because maybe then, I'd feel a little less anxious when he gets behind the wheel.  

Who am I kidding...I would feel anxious no matter the situation. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

When Did This Happen?

I have a Freshman and a Kindergartener in the same house....

Aren't they sweet?  I sure think so, but then I am their momma. 
And when did this sweet thing grow up and start school? 
All was well and good and exciting...until mommy had to leave her.  Then came the tears.  I told her how much I loved her, how awesome kindergarten would be, how much fun she would have and that she would see mommy later.  Another teacher took her hand because they had to go and I watched her walk away in tears....and then I fell apart. Yep, I'm the mommy who was crying in front of all the other "strong" mommies.  I can't help it.  When it comes to my children, I'm a bit emotional.  Okay. I'm a lot emotional.  Are you happy? 
I went back to have lunch with my girl to check on her and she was having a much better time.  We both were so excited to see each other.  She even ate a little bit of her lunch.
My departure was much easier the second time around.  She gave me a hug and a kiss and said "see you later mommy".  No tears were shed by either of us.  When I picked her up that afternoon, she climbed in the car saying "I had a good day mommy".  I loved it. 
And then this morning I was dropping her off at school and watched her walk in all by herself.  My little girl....being brave and grown up....and I died....and fell apart.  Not as bad as yesterday but there were tears. 
Miss Priss this morning....
I'm having the hardest time adjusting.  I've always been away from her during the day. I've always been a working momma, but today I miss her so very much.  I have an ache in my heart and a lump in my throat.  I don't remember being this bad with Christopher.  I cried the first day of school but I wasn't a weepy pitiful mess after that.  Is this because she's my baby?  I don't know.  What I do know is that I can't wait for 5:00 to get here so I can rush home to see her and hear all about her day. 
Christopher is adjusting to high school just fine, even made the comment yesterday..."I think I'm going to like high school a lot better than I thought".  whew!  maybe we're on the right track...this is a good way to start to the year.  He's been running cross country for 3 weeks now, and has had to be up at the school at 6:15 for the last week so we've all adjusted to that early wake up call.  Actually, it really helped get us ready for this week when school started.  He's made great improvement since last year and his coaches are very impressed with him and his hard work.  Let's just hope this flows over into his schoolwork. Please Lord let it flow over!! 
Y'all have a good one!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Summer Time Through Pictures

Here it is the 8th day of August and I am counting the days until September and the first official day of Fall arrives--September 22nd.  I've taken a few pics through our summer so I thought I'd share them with you to give you an idea what we've been up to...


Corn picking!

Honey and I were able to get in some us time while the kids spent time with their dad.  
A day in Galveston with this crazy guy!

Lunch in Kemah!

We spent a weekend watching Aiden's Allstar team...
Aren't they handsome...
Cameron, Scott & Aiden

Always time to goof off between innings...:)

Always time for naps during the summer.  Isn't she sweet with her animals.

Dinner time fun...

Happy 4th of July!!!

 Trouble in the making....

You are NEVER too old to color....

Beach House Bound!!  

 Morning snuggles with these precious kids...

My Kenna bug...

 We had more fun launching water balloons this year....thinking they will definitely make an appearance next year!  So much fun by everyone!!

Watermelon before we devoured it...

See...serious business.

Don't let this one fool you.  She was hardly tasting it and decided she doesn't like watermelon.  
This is NOT my child. :/

More snuggles

Representing her cousin's college with pride!

I'm pretty sure these two missed each other the week we were gone.

Dinner before Ashleigh (Paul's girlfriend) heads home.  

Jeff took the kids to the circus one day and snapped this picture of them.  Isn't it great.  I love it.

Ready to head to one of 4 baby showers in July!!

My driver for an evening.  Love it when he's here.

Me and my godmother at one of the baby showers :)

My sweet honey :)

Hanging out with my favorite 15 year old

After months, my BFF and I finally got to see each other at the 4th baby shower of the month.  
Crazy that she's gonna be a grandmomma, huh!
Gosh I have missed her!

FISH CAMP with this handsome guy.  

Cross Country has begun and he is plum excited.  
Sporting his new duds and those muscles!

My sweet girl who will be starting Kindergarten this year.  Time sure flies!