Monday, January 26, 2015


This is a little overdue but I wanted to share with you a collage of pictures I put together from mine and Scott's (aka honey) first year together. We celebrated our anniversary (which is January 4th) by heading back to the place we went for our first date, Truluck's in Houston.  Let me tell you, those people are awesome.  At the end of our fabulous meal, and after we had chosen dessert, they surprised us with this....

How sweet was that!  They also gave us a card that everyone signed wishing us a happy anniversary. I thought this was pretty sweet considering it was just a dating anniversary.  It was a super chocolatey rich muffin with a cherry chocolate sauce poured over it.  The dessert we had chosen is in the background....a coconut creme dessert that was light and fluffy.  Total opposites but both very good.

Y'all, I absolutely adore this man and love him like no other.  I can't imagine the rest of my life without him in it.  I hate it when we are apart and miss him the minute we leave each other.  I said it a year ago, I knew from our first date I was in trouble.  Those butterflies still show up every time I know I'm going to see him.  The excitement is real.  I love being with him and having him by my side through the good, the bad and the ugly.  He has found a home in my heart and in my children's heart.  I hope that we continue to move forward and capture even more moments together.

I love you honey!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Holy Wow

I'm having a "holy crap, when did my baby get to be six years old" moment this morning. I'm still surprised by how fast time really does fly by. I was watching and listening to her this morning and found myself missing when she was a baby crawling around all over me, undoing all the laundry I had just folded or getting into the cabinet with all the foil, Saran wrap and ziplocs and pulling it all out. She is little miss independent now and while that has its perks, I miss my baby. In another moment later in the morning when I was looking out the front door, she walks up and puts her arms up for me to pick her up. I ask her what she's going to do when I can no longer pick her up to hold her. She answers "I'll just have to walk all the time". Big sigh.

And now I'm getting my list together for the grocery store and my Boo is going with me to help me. She loves going with me everywhere. I love it too. I'm enjoying our time together, because I know one day when she's a teenager (gulp) I'll be writing about how I miss this too.

Ok...I'm off to finish up and head out. Yall have a beautiful day! Enjoy the sunshine and enjoy your family!! Thanks for listening.

Monday, January 19, 2015

An Extra Day

The kids and I, along with many others, get an extra day home today.  I love 3 day weekends. I had to keep telling myself last night that I didn't have to get up in the morning because by Sunday evenings, my body starts going into rejection mode screaming "nooooo, I don't want to go back to work tomorrow!!!" so I loved reminding myself I had an extra day.

No big plans for us, just hanging out at home. I might decorate with the normal year round decor but I've been enjoying the clean blank space, I'm just not ready to change it just yet.  Every year when we put Christmas up, the space looks so much bigger. This year was no different.  There are some things I'm wanting to change up so maybe that's part of my hesitation in putting everything back together so quickly.  There are also the things that need to be hung up somewhere. Things that have needed a place since we've moved. Sad huh.  It's a decision that I can't make. I change my mind often about where I want them so I don't hang them. I need to just do it. 

Other than decor decisions, my only other decisions today involve dinner and how many loads of laundry I want to tackle. Ha!

Guess I had better get moving, but first I'm going to enjoy a few more minutes of snuggle time with my sweet girl. 

Friday, January 9, 2015

Happy Birthday To My Sunshine

What a better way to kick off my first post of the new year than with a Happy Birthday to my sweet girl!  I cannot even believe she is six years old today.  I mean this picture was just taken yesterday....

Yet, here she is just this morning, my princess ready for school....

Ugh...can she get any more beautiful?  And she's mine!  How did I get so lucky?  She truly is my sunshine and such a caring, sweet girl. She is really blossoming in Kindergarten and getting so incredibly smart and still my little fashion diva as you can tell. Pink and purple are still her favorite colors and I'm pretty sure no one else owns a collection of glipgloss (lipgloss) as extensive as my daughter's.  Seriously y'all, its crazy how much lipgloss she has and still wants!!  Big hair bows, headbands, clips and small stuff animals are her next biggest collections with clothes and shoes not far behind. My girl LOVES to sing and dance and will belt it out with the best of 'em. I don't think she ever left the dance floor New Year's Day at Kristian and Levi's wedding.  It was awesome.  I love this girl more than anything else in the world along with her brothers.  I cannot imagine what my life would be like now if I didn't have this ray of sunshine to brighten my day.  She truly has made my heart smile again.  I love you Toot Marie Prissy Britches!!