Friday, April 24, 2015

Shut Up and Dance

I first saw this over at the blog Big Mama and loved it.  I shared it on Facebook and tagged my sister.  We love to dance like nobody's watching, especially my sis.  We have also been known to break out in dance in the middle of the store when we hear a good song.  And me...well I may have done that in the middle of the flea market in Round Top as Billie Jean came on and I channeled my inner Michael Jackson.  Honey was right next to me and was not impressed.  Embarrassed was more like it. Sometimes you just gotta dance.

I agree with Big Mama, I dare you watch this and not be in a better mood.

Have a great Friday y'all!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Senior Night

Monday night was a makeup game from Friday for the Lady Cats.  If you'll remember, Friday night was the night that awful storm came through.  Coach made a good call postponing games to Monday. That storm rolled in about the time the girls would have been starting the 2nd or 3rd inning.  Skip to Monday.  It was also Senior Night for the Lady Cats so that meant my niece Cori was recognized.  I think I counted right in that sister has 9 seniors this year so her team will be taking a pretty good hit in losing players after this year.  They announced the girls one by one, who they were being escorted by, their postion on the team and their plans after high school.  Then a short "thank you" was read that each of the girls had written.  Coach (my sister) hugged each girl has they were introduced.  When it came time for Cori, she gave her a hug and then joined in escorting her to the field.

You see how my sister's head is turned away.  Yeah, she was totally crying and trying to hide it but this sister knows better.  Stinker!  So I start crying, like bawling and sniffing so then Esther (Cori's Grandma) starts crying and Lena follows.  Thanks sister!  BTW...that is Cori's mom to the right of her.

Head down....still crying.  Aunt Mimi still crying.  
Cori wrote a very sweet thank you to her family and team.  

The girls went on to win that game 14-2. 

Hard to believe this sweet girl is a senior! So, so proud of her.  

It also just happened to be Makenna's 13th birthday Monday so a picture was a must!  

Now here's where I give you some not so good news.  Monday was a makeup game.  Tuesday was a regularly scheduled game and last District game. They played at Foster.  I don't know when, but sometime during the game Cori was rounding second, had to dive back and got tangled up with the shortstop.  She went down and didn't get up. Doctor's visit yesterday revealed she broke her upper fibula and tore the membrane between the bones.  She will have surgery Friday to have a plate and two screws put in. Its her senior year.  They made the play-offs.  Prom is next weekend.  No weight bearing for six weeks.  To say she is pissed off is a huge understatement.  I feel awful for her but am trying to remain positive and lift her spirits up when I can.  Just ask that you send some prayers her way for a safe surgery Friday and speedy recovery.  

Thanks y'all, have a good one!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Four Things

I'm taking a cue from Natasha over at Hello Happiness and spilling some things about myself. Things you may already know but just in case you don't or I have some new readers, here you go...

Four Nicknames
Missy, Mis, Michelob, Mimi

Four Jobs I've Had
Movie Sales Clerk, Data Entry Clerk, Receptionist, Executive Assistant

Four Movies I've Watched More Than Once:
Rocky, Fried Green Tomatoes, Forrest Gump, Rudy
(more appropriately for me would be, four movies I haven't watched more than once)

Four Things In My Purse
Chapstick, Gum, Koozie, Wallet

Four Books I Would Recommend
Big Mama's books, Pioneer Woman Cookbooks, Home Cooking w/ Trisha Yearwood, Popp Family Cookbook
(I realize that's more than 4 but I love them all)

Four Cars I've Driven
Isuzu Rodeo, Toyota Camry, Nissan Murano, Ford Explorer

Four Places I've Visited
Cozumel, Chattanooga, TN, Jacksonville, FL, New Orleans

Four Places to Visit on my Bucket List
Tuscany, Oregon, Hawaii, WDC
(the more appropriate answer would be the entire USA)

Four of My Favorite Foods 
Mom's Spaghetti, Chicken Noodle Soup, Fried Okra, Grilled Chicken

Four TV Shows I Watch
Grey's Anatomy, NCIS, Blue Bloods, Cedar Cove

Four Things I'm Looking Forward To In 2015
Vacation, Cooking & Trying New Recipes, Spending More Time with my Honey, my Garden

Monday, April 20, 2015

Hail No...Never Again!

Let me just say that I have been scared at times in my life but Friday night, I was terrified.  I have seen hail before, but baby hail, pea-sized hail...and might I add, not that much of it.  This hail was just shy of golf ball size and it felt like it was never going to stop.

Keep in mind, this was picked up out of the yard after it had finally stopping hailing and the rain had slowed down. Crazy ass stuff.  I do think I handled myself good for my babies, especially Bella who was screaming and crying for everything to stop.  We were all scared. I love a good thunderstorm but this...this was NO BUENO!  We made it through just fine.  Lots of limbs and debris around the yard which still needs to be picked up but its so wet, I made the decision to wait. I think the garden will be okay.  My car and Christopher's truck have a few dings in them but no major damage.  My roof is good.  We are all safe.  After things settled down, Bella calmed down a bit too and decided she was done with that weather...

Let me tell you that girl was out for the count!  It took me a while to calm my nerves but I finally fell asleep as well.  But may I say again for the record.  I don't ever want to go through that again.

Saturday afternoon I got a surprise.  Look who came to see me....

I think that smile on my face says everything.  I was so very happy to see my man.  It had been way too long.  His son's baseball tournament was cancelled so he made the trip South to see us.  So very sweet since we had a fundraiser benefit we were working Saturday and my niece's birthday party Sunday.  Short visit but a good visit.  Two months was way too long...missed him terribly.

I hope y'all had a good weekend with no hail!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Garden Is In

We finally got the garden done Good Friday.  I had just about given up hope that we would have one this year but Tony came through and we got her done the week before Easter.  I wasn't really planning on expanding but Tony made that decision for me, and I'm happy he did.  Bella was really excited because it meant we get to plant more flowers.  This year's garden has tomatoes-big ones and cherry ones, yellow squash, cucumbers, zucchini, green beans, jalapenos, carrots and strawberries.  The flowers are a mixture but does include our favorite zinnias and sunflowers.  I honestly can't remember all of them because I let Bella picked whatever seeds she wanted, I just made sure they were okay to plant now and not in the Fall.  For one of the rows, I mixed the seeds up so there would be a variety coming up.  We'll see how that does.

These pictures were taken 2 days ago.  Everything is up except for the carrots.

Also took a picture of my blackberry vine. This little baby has a ton of blooms on it and 3 more shoots coming up at the root.  So exciting.  There was a time last year I didn't know if it would make it, but it did and it looks really good. 

I still have some morning glory seeds to plant along the back fence. Need to do that before its too late.  Also want to get some cuttings from Daddy's passion vine and butterfly vine.  They both make really pretty flowers. All of those growing along the back fence would be pretty I think. 

So there you have my garden this year.  Hoping I will actually get some cucumbers!  

One more picture I want to share with you.... 

Bella loves her some bluebonnets. Our neighbor has some popping up in their flower beds so she's always telling me when a new one bloomed.  They've also been talking about them in school and this is her artwork with finger paints she did of them.  Couldn't be more beautiful.  Her Grammy loved bluebonnets so this picture is extra sweet to me.  Definitely frame worthy in my book.  Need to take this sweet girl for a drive to see fields of them for sure.  

Y'all have a good one.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Pretty Much Sums It Up

No one in our house wanted to get up and get back to the routine this morning.  I gave myself a few extra minutes of sleep this morning since I showered and washed my hair last night.  I usually shower in the mornings but I just felt like one last night.  Good thing for me huh.

Our weekend was pretty low key.  The absolute best highlight was Saturday.  I spent the day with my Aunts, aka...Mom's sisters and my cousin Dina.  They came down for my jewelry party I was having. Talk about laughs, gosh we have such a hooting good time when we are together.  And I will say it again, its like having Mom here when they are around.  Such precious time to be spent.  I truly treasure any time I get to spend with them, any family actually.  Its times like Saturday that I truly miss being younger when I felt like we saw each other on a more regular basis.  It may not have really been all that regular, but it was definitely more than what we see of each other now.  I miss that.  And I tell myself that I need to make time to spend with everyone more.  But its true that it gets harder for everyone because there is always so much going on.  Maybe its just me, but life just seems to be way more busier than it was growing up.  I'm sure that had a lot to do with me just being a kid and having no worries but how much play time I'd get outside before I had to come in for the day. Gosh, those were the days.

I would definitely travel.  I would see all the places I've always wanted to see.  On the way to all those places, I would stop in to visit and spend time with all my family.  Now....I just need to play the lottery.

Y'all have a good one.