Wednesday, April 27, 2016


Or maybe I'm just disorganized so it feels like I'm overwhelmed and stressed out to the max? We moved to our new building at work on Friday, April 15th. The building still is not finished. I have been serenaded by the painters every day this week, in Spanish. It's a shame I don't know what they are singing to me. While I do enjoy listening to music while I work, I have been trying to knock out the minutes from our last board meeting. This requires me listening to the recordings. Not easy to do when you have painters playing music and singing, and you have ear buds that are useless. Packing and the move has kept me from working on these but I have to get them done before tomorrow. On top of that, I have a shit ton of things that need to get done. I'm drowning to be honest. I've just about made my way to the top of the water but I'm still struggling. I have not unpacked. There are several reasons why I haven't but the main one is I'm trying to play catch-up for the 3 days I was down without a computer due to the move and the fact that my area was not complete when we moved. Let me also mention that the brilliant MAN who chose the built-ins for my area installed filing drawers that are too freaking small to hold letter size folders. I wish I were kidding. It really is a sore spot with me. So basically, I have four drawers meant for files that can't be used for files. How bout them apples. So, I have to figure out an alternate space to put files I use on a daily/weekly basis. Let me mention that the space will most likely be in a file/storage room around the corner from me. It only gets better y'all but I won't bore you with more stupid crap about work. 

Tomorrow is a new day, and I am super thankful for another day. Another friend who was taken entirely too young has once again reminded our community that life is a gift. You should live life to the fullest every day and not let singing painters and too small filing drawers bring you down. I should be clear, i don't mind the singing painters, in fact, it's awesome to hear them singing while they work and not complaining. It's just that I need to get minutes done now. Friday I'll sing with them. Heck, I'll introduce them to some George, Merle, Waylon, Willie and Johnny. Lol!!

On a brighter note, I'm down 4 lbs. and I will have a good butt because I forgot to mention that the elevator is not running yet either so stairs it has been since the 15th. Oh yeah...I'm on the third floor. 

Cheers y'all!! 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

A Little Update

Hey y'all...just wanted to check in and let y'all know I'm still here. It's been crazy busy at work as we are transitioning to a new building. So on top of trying to do the every day work, we have also been packing offices to move. By the time I get home, I'm plum tuckered out. We moved what we could Friday, although my stuff is in a storage room because my area isn't quite ready yet. Actually, the entire building isn't quite ready yet but they are getting there. Movers continue to get furniture and boxes moved this the weekend so all should be done come tomorrow morning when we arrive and that's a good thing since rain is in the forecast for the next few days. I might not be up and running right away, but should be by the end of the day. I hope anyway but it also depends on the progress made in my area over the weekend. We shall see. 

I picked my Bella up from daycare Monday and she was complaining her head hurt. I told her I would give her some medicine when we got home and she said "good". I knew it must be a true headache if she agreed. So I'm asking her questions, she's answering but also coughing, and starts crying because every time she coughs it hurts her head more. Next thing I know, my poor baby is throwing up in the car. We hadn't even turned off the road daycare is on, and y'all, daycare is on the north end of town, and we live on the south end of town. Oy!! And of course I catch every damn light between here and there. I had a coffee cup in the car so I give her that as well as her blanket we had. When we finally make it home, baby girl strips her clothes off, lays down on the couch and is out for the count. She slept for about an hour and a half then woke up wanting to eat some pasta. She ate a little, drank some Sprite and snuggled up to me until she fell asleep again. I did manage to give her some Tylenol before she went back to sleep because her head was still hurting a little and I felt it was okay to give her some meds since she ate a little. She never ran a fever and woke up the next morning ready to go. Migraine? That's what I'm thinking and if so, God bless my poor girl. 

Tuesday we ran to the store after work to pick up a few things. This girl right here has been walking and jogging (if you want to call it that) for over a week now. I wanted to get some fresh fruits and veggies. I've been doing pretty good. I know the changes won't come overnight so I'm taking it day by day, but let me tell you my children have been my biggest cheerleaders. Bella has gone walking with me every night and when I don't feel like it, she's encouraging me to get up and go. Christopher has been my timer when I do my exercises back at the house which have included planks. Those are the devil but I do the basic one every night. I'm not going to lie, I'm very much out of shape so after a few days of doing all this, I'm super sore and getting back up off the floor is tough. My son was helping me up the other night and he says "I'm so proud of you mommy". I almost started crying right there but managed a "thank you son".  I have some pretty good kids. 

Scott and I are still talking. We are honest with each other. He knows my fears. I know his. He knows I am cautious. He understands why.  We talk every day trying to figure out how we can make a long distance relationship work. There have already been difficult days because we both get aggravated at our situation and remember the reasons why it didn't work before. But, we talk through it and push forward. It's still a process but we are giving us another try. More to come. 

Y'all have a great day!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Mama Tried

In honor of losing one of country music's greatest legends yesterday, its a Merle Haggard kinda day. I have been listening to Country Legends radio when I can get it in. Yesterday the country music Gods made it all work so I could hear all the great Merle songs and tributes. When I picked Bella up from daycare, we were driving home and bam, they played "Mama Tried". Well this is one my girl knows. She may not know all the right words but dang it makes this mommy's heart happy to hear her belting out good ole country music. I'm raising her right.

Rest in peace Merle.  Thanks for all the great music. 

Friday, April 1, 2016

Longest Week

Its not just me, I have heard several people say this has been the longest week ever. Lets not even talk about the lack of sleep I've had or the quiet days at the office which make for really long days.  The good news is, its Friday and y'all know I love that.

Bella had a program at school last night so I left work early to get her picked up, fed and up to the school by 5:45.  She played herself...a monkey.  She has a hooded vest that has ears on the hat so she was fine wearing that for her monkey costume.  I was fine with that as well seeing as the Little Bo Peep costume from last year's program is still hanging in the closet collecting dust.  That was $40 well spent.  I couldn't even convince her it would make a great Halloween costume when the time came.  Oh well.

My girl is to the right of the yellow kid with the black hooded vest on, right above the Curious George monkey.  Let me say this child is so complete opposite of her brother.  She sang every song, did all the movements and was a little clown.  Christopher participated but was not the least bit animated like his sister.

Here she is during her speaking part...she nailed it!

And after...picture with Mommy is a must.

Y'all...I was so happy to be smiling and breathing.  I had sat down at a table, minding my own business waiting for the program to start when these two ladies sat across from me.  One of them had bathed in perfume prior to arriving.  Oh my gosh, it was awful.  Not only was it entirely too much perfume but it didn't even smell nice.  I seriously wanted to hold a sign up saying "its NOT me".  Thankfully, once the program started they moved up to get better pictures.  I could breathe again!!  Seriously people, if you have to put that much perfume on, you either need to take a real bath or you have something else much worse going on.  Ugh.

After the program we made a trip to the grocery store to pick up a few things.  A few things that came to $132 later.  But according to my children, we have food in the house again.  Good thing because I wouldn't want them withering away or you know, dying of starvation.  #itwillneverhappen #thereisalwaysfood  #mykidsaresodramatic

I also checked on the garden when I got home.  Stuff is popping up everywhere.  The first greenbeans we planted are up but the others we planted a few days later aren't yet.  I have baby toms growing, onions and tators coming up as well.  And since I can't remember where we planted the cucumbers, squash, zucchini and cantaloupe, I'm going to say its all coming up.  Let me clarify, I know which two rows goodies are planted on but I can't remember the order or placement of it all.  I knew I should have picked up the cute little garden stakes I saw at Target.  

 I guess that's about it for now.  The cool front is here and man it is super windy outside.  My girl had a great idea for Mommy to make a pot of soup this evening for supper.  Y'all have a good one.