Friday, October 28, 2016

From The Fair

We wrapped up the Brazoria County Fair last weekend and I was kind of glad to see it go but also sad because truthfully, I do enjoy our fair.

Before I get started with all the week long festivities, let me share with you Toot Marie's artwork that was chosen for the fair.

She placed second and was super happy.  I was so proud of my girl.  I love her animals.  This was the best picture I could get because they displayed her artwork waaaay up top.  Short girl problems!

The week started out with my niece and nephew participating in the calf scramble and I am proud to say, they both caught a calf!  Brandon took a beating but he won out in the end.

Brandon with sponsor.  

And with me :).  
The kids were with their dad this particular weekend so they missed the scramble. 

The next night was Kenna Bug...

Here I am with the previous night's calf catcher.  He had a huge bruise on his leg and a few scratches but other than night, he was good.

With her sponsor...

And her godmother :)

And now with me and her Mommy.  
Can you tell we're related?  Lol

The following weekend, I decided to try my hand at not one but two contests.  The last couple of years, I have entered the Rice Plus Cook Off.  In this contest, you can make a main dish, side dish or dessert but it must have rice in it.  The first year I made rice pudding and finished second.  Last year I placed first with rice zucchini muffins.  This year I wanted to try a rice pecan pie.  Even I was skeptical so I did a test run and had my family taste test for me.  I got a thumbs up so I decided to go for it.  The fair also has a Kitchen Pride Bake Off so I decided to see how I would do there.  It is a much larger crowd and a lot more entries.  I baked two rice pecan pies and let me tell you, I was not feeling it.  To top it off, when I took the pies up to the fairgrounds, I entered the Rice Plus contest first, then walked over to the Kitchen Pride contest.  The gal there was taking my information down and asked what kind of pie I had.  I told her and she asked if it had rice in it.  Yes ma'am it does so she tells me that I should probably take it next door to the Rice Plus cook off, I wouldn't have as much competition there.  I kindly told her I had already entered a pie there too, just wanted to see how I would do here.  Guess I showed her because this girl right here not only took 1st Place, but received an Outstanding ribbon and was Grand Champion of the Bake-Off.  

Look at those pretty ribbons...

And the winning pie!

Here I am getting my picture taken with Brazoria County's Little Miss and Little Mister 

It wasn't until we left that I realized what I had done.  Tony even told me he didn't understand why I kept asking how many pies were entered because I had won the WHOLE BAKE OFF!!  I was the GRAND CHAMPION!!!  Finally!  I found something I'm good at.  I have a talent!  I do enjoy baking.  I enjoy baking for others. Its relaxing and good therapy!

Later that night I spent some time chasing this girl from ride to ride...

 I have to say she had the time of her life. She loved getting to do the rides at the carnival.  She was laughing, squealing, jumping up and down, waving her hands in the air just having a good time.  

After we finished rides, we walked back to the cook off area.  We didn't have a team this year but some close friends did so we were still able to hang out there.  Bella had some friends across the way so she would spend time playing with them running back n forth.  Ronnie Milsap was playing at the arena that night so Tony stayed back at the camp while I walked over to the arena to hear Mr. Milsap.  Oh my gosh, he was awesome!  So glad I was able to see him.  My pictures aren't good at all...

And with that, I will close out this year's Brazoria County Fair.  We had lots of fun and look forward to next year to see what it brings.  I know we'll have at least two heifers to show, or rather...Makenna and Brandon will! 


Wednesday, October 26, 2016


Honey and I made it another month, but it ended this past weekend.  This is what he wanted.  I really do understand, but I am heartbroken.  He is in a bad place right now and needs to focus on himself. He is frustrated with life and the way things have not been working out for him. Those frustrations are sometimes directed at me in that he will take a question I ask the wrong way or something I say the wrong way and we end up in an argument.  He doesn't want that.  Neither do I.  He can't be here for me right now in any way, and its not fair to me.  Our conversations are not frequent enough, our time together is not enough, nothing is enough.  We are both frustrated but his focus is where it needs to be and I will not be the one to disrupt it.  We love each other very much.  Maybe one day we can be together.  We just can't be together now.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Conversations With My Son

It was his birthday Saturday so I had to go see him.  I went to Walmart to get him some new flowers. I always put together a fall arrangement for him.  He was a fall baby after all.  I got it all together and then paid him a visit.  I sat with him and talked about what was going on, what mommy worries about and how I miss him. I promised him early in the day that I would celebrate him with a smile, and I did...until I came here.  Its hard thinking that he would have been 14, hard because I think he and his cousin Brandon would be two peas and into a lot of mischief.  Hard because I know life would have been so different had he not made that trip to heaven.  Hard just because he is not here and if I want to see him, I have to close my eyes and remember everything I memorized.

Jace Andrew, you are so full of wisdom son.  You remind me always of what is important and what I need to let go of.  You remind me of how strong I truly am and even though I struggle daily, I am doing just fine.  We miss you so much.  Your little sister, who was never able to meet you, thinks of you all the time, remembers you in everything we do and is very quick to remind me I have a third child.  I never forget you son, but sometimes, for the sake of a conversation I don't want to have and selfishness, I say I have two children. Your big brother carries you with him always.  He is not as out spoken as your sister, but he misses you just as much. Always our guardian angel.  We love you.

Happy 14th Birthday Jace!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Canton Finds

I have decided that I'm never going to remember to take pictures of my Canton finds (that isn't Christmas) in their new homes to share with you so I'll show you what I have so far and maybe later I'll get pictures of the Christmas stuff.

First, I will share views from the cabin we stayed at this trip.  We stayed at this particular bed and breakfast 3 years ago but not in this cabin.  We were a bit disappointed when we arrived expecting to be in the same place but we quickly learned they were putting us elsewhere, and we were going to have to share a kitchen, bathroom, etc.  We were not happy because that was not what we had reserved.  After the lady in charge made it back to house, she quickly straightened her husband out (bless his heart, he was very confused) and showed us to our very own cabin.

Look at this view the first nice we were there...

that sunset....

Pretty girls...

and our sunset the second night...

We loved sitting outside in the evening until the bugs started attacking us. The mornings were very cool so we would sit outside and drink our coffee.  So very relaxing.

Onto the goods.  Here they are at the cabin...bags and bags full of sweet finds.  There were also four bar stools Lindsey found that you can't see in this picture.  

Here's what belonged to me...

The galvanized reindeer and joy sign below are some of my Christmas finds.  I'm not sure you can tell, but the reindeer has an opening on top for you to decorate with.  I saw lots of great ideas in Canton so we'll see what I come up with for the Christmas season.  I may use the Christmas picks in the lower left side of the picture or I may find something else.  I also bought a couple new rolls of Christmas paper that I'm super excited about along with my sugar mold I FINALLY bought.  That is the wooden candle holder you see below.  Several years ago, I bought a twelve candle sugar mold. The wood is stained red and I have glass candle holders.  I still have it on the window sill of my bedroom.  I love it but I've wanted a smaller one for a while now.  I would always look and I would always pass on it.  This year I did not.  I did get metal candle holders and the orange candles smell so good.  They scream FALL!!  Haven't burn the candles yet.  Waiting for that cooler weather to come and hang around a little longer.  I'm weird like that.

Farmer's Market and Welcome signs were things I loved the first time I saw them and I still had a hard time pulling the trigger to purchase them. I don't know why, just did.  I guess because I'm Missy and that's what I do.  Hem-haw should be my middle name.  I don't know if you can see it well but sitting on the floor in front of my signs is a Christmas tree.  Its not any ole Christmas tree either.  This one holds Christmas cards. I'm really excited about that.  I don't have a great place for cards and I love to display them so this will be a great addition to our decor.  Now, I just have to find the perfect place for it when the time comes.

I've actually pinned ideas for a welcome sign on front porches.  Some days I love my front porch, other days I wish it were laid out differently.  Of course now, its the home of my small collection of jack-o-lanterns.  I think I might have a small obsession with them. 

Anyway, here's what I did with my welcome sign...

And here is my Farmer's Market sign hung in that space I dislike in my kitchen.  I sure do love my sign.  It fits in perfectly.

Many times when you are in Canton, you will see displays that give you ideas for decorating.  Such was the case this trip. We were in one of our favorite places, Paul Michael's when I saw a watering can with magnolias in it.  I just happen to have a watering can that was my Grandmother's.  I have used it for decorating over the years and for watering.  Most recently, it has been gathering dust in the garage.  I decided I would decorate with it again.  I really liked the magnolia leaves they had on display so I bought three of them and two magnolia flowers and planned to arrange them in my watering can.  By the way did you know that when you decorate in multiples, you are always supposed to have an odd number?  I learned that several years ago and it has stuck.  I can't tell you how many ladies we heard saying that to one another while shopping.

My watering can...

We made a trip back to Paul Michael's Saturday evening to pick up something one of the girls had been thinking about.  After looking around, I decided that I NEEDED seasonal picks to mix with my magnolia leaves during Christmas and Fall.  The above picture shows my "fall" mixed in with my magnolia.  Come Christmas, I'll show you what I whip up with the picks in the pictures above.  Maybe they'll go in my reindeer, maybe they'll go in my watering can.  Maybe, I'll not use them for either, who knows.  :)

That about does it for my Canton finds this year.  One other thing I purchased was a flyaway for Bella that she squealed over when I gave it to her. She has worn it a couple times and I have yet to take a picture. See, bad, bad blogger.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Paul Franklin is 21!!!

Our Pooh Bear is 21 today!! How the heck did that happen?  He will always hold an extra special place in my heart because he was our first born nephew.  He made me an Aunt and he will always be like one of my very own.  It doesn't mean I love my other nephews and nieces any less, it just means he was first so he has a special place. I still spoil him rotten when he visits and he spoils me by helping me and doing things with his Aunt Missy while he is here.  The United States Coast Guard is so lucky to have this fine young man serve in the military.

I've said many times, no matter how old you get Paul, you will always be our Pooh Bear and Paul punkin'.  I love you and miss you so very much but I know you are doing awesome things in the Coast Guard.  Happy 21st punkin'!  Cheers to you!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Canton Finds Teaser

The Canton Chics....Me, Marilee & Lindsey

I know I'm over a week late showing you my finds in Canton.  I just haven't been able to get a post together to show you what I found.  I have also wanted to take pictures of the things I already have on display so you can see how I decorated with some of it.  I will soon.  I promise!

Bags and bags and bags of goodies!!

Stay tuned.....