Y'all....I wish this was a post about how smokin' hot the guy was at the gas station I just came back from or how smokin' hot it is outside on this 7th day of November (seriously) but its not. Its about how smokin' hot mac n cheese can get in a microwave without any water and set to cook longer than its supposed to. I wish I were kidding, but I am not. I decided I needed to document this event from last week. Not that I'll ever forget, the lingering smell alone won't let me but the sheer panic on Bella's face will live with me forever.
Last week when I picked up my daughter from daycare, she announced that she was super hungry and could not wait for me to get supper ready so she was going to fix her a cup of mac n cheese when we got home. No worries because she has done this many times before. We got home, I went to my room to change into my I'm home from work comfy clothes and then needed to make a quick phone call to Scott, aka honey or maybe its best friend now? Anyway, I finished up and was coming down the hallway when Bella comes flying out of the kitchen screaming "its smoking mommy, its smoking". I turn the corner to the kitchen and boy was she right, it was smoking! I have never seen that much smoke POUR out of a microwave before but there it was. I opened the microwave to find a black, charred, still smoking pile of what used to be a mac n cheese cup. I closed the doors to the back rooms and opened up the windows and doors in the kitchen and living room because the smoke was thick and awful. I texted my friend who just happens to be the Fire Chief to see if there was anything else I could do to get the smoke out of the house. He immediately called me to see how bad it was and after a 5 minute discussion about my options, one that included sirens, lights and EMS, I opted for the less attention getting scenario which involved him and couple guys bringing a fan over to help suck the smoke out. Mr. Smarty Pants thought it would be funny to pull into my driveway and flip his lights on for about 20-30 seconds just to mess with me. No attention there however, when the firetruck arrived, that got my neighbor's attention. We got the fan set up and was able to let it run for about 10-15 minutes before they got a real call and had to leave. Those minutes really helped and I appreciated them helping me out. We lit candles and I sprayed the house down with Febreze. I left the windows open for as long as I could stand it-again its November and we are smokin' hot here. This past Saturday was the first day we walked into the house and didn't smell the smoke. However, if you open the microwave, that is a different story. Eewww! I want to take it out back, plug it in and let it run for a while to help get the smell out. Its quite disgusting. I have even looked at a new microwave, one that Bella can work a little easier.
Upon talking with my daughter later, I found out that she had already made one cup of mac n cheese and was on her second because she was just so hungry. Not only did she forget to put water in the second cup but she set the timer for 5 minutes. The current microwave has a dial, no buttons for setting the time. Sometimes it can be difficult to get the exact time. You can't even set it for 30 seconds because it won't turn on. I've looked at microwaves off and on over the last few years but always talked myself out of it. This one sister gave to us when we moved into the house because we didn't have one and she didn't need this one. It has served its purpose.
My sweet girl laid down next to me later that evening....
Bella: Mommy, I'm so sorry for smoking up the house
Me: Its okay honey. The most important thing is that you are okay.
Bella: But the house smells yucky now.
Me: The house will be okay too. We will all be okay. The smell will go away in time with a lot of Febreze and scented candle.
Bella: Okay (as she snuggles up into me)
For your viewing pleasure, my firemen in shining armor leaving for their real call. I'm totally not making light of them having to leave to go on a call. I appreciated them taking the time out of their evening to come help us out, and at their insistence. Kudos to them for all they do!