Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Mother's Day Weekend

This past weekend started with my work's annual Take-A-Child Fishing Tournament. We have been hosting this tournament for 17 years now.  Daddy brought Christopher to fish one year but when he realized he couldn't win because I worked for the Port, he gave that part up and started helping elsewhere at the tournament.  For several years, he passed out bait to all the kids.  This year, he stuck with me and helped me get all the door prizes ready.  Makenna was also able to join us this year.

My crew...

Bella and Christopher's cousins came out to the fishing tournament so Bella opted to go hang out with them so she could fish too.  I went to check on her before I got really busy.  Here's my little fisherman..

We had almost 300 kids show up for the tournament.  Not too bad considering it was Mother's Day weekend.  Jackson, Henry, Piper and Makennah all caught some fish and participated in the weigh in but didn't win the big prize.  They all had a lot of fun and plan to come back next year.  

Sunday started with coffee and this delivered to me...
Cinnamon waffles minus the syrup and fruit.  Yum!

We spend the morning being lazy and after lunch we went to my dad's where Tony was cooking for the ladies.  I was summoned inside the house and told not to look out any windows.  After a few minutes, I was summoned back outside where this was waiting for me...

My boy had built his momma a fire pit!!  


I haven't fired it up yet because I want to remove the old pit that is on its last leg and made a pretty sitting area.  Or prettier than what is there now.  ha!  So, so proud of my son.  He is really taking off with his welding, getting better all the time.

Proud momma with her babies....

For the first time that I can remember, I bought Bella and I semi-matching dresses.  One of my blogs featured my dress a while back and I loved it.  It went on sale last week so I thought about getting it.  While I was looking, I just happened to catch a glimpse of Bella's dress so I decided to get both for Mother's Day.  Let's all say "awe" together....

This was also my first DADIM, although I didn't share it with the FB page however; I have been wearing a dress every day since, just haven't taken pictures.  See how bad I am at this.  I had every intention of doing so but work has been so crazy that I just forget to ask someone to snap a quick picture.  

my sweet girl...

I also have to share with you the cute flower pot Bella made at daycare...
( can see the print of my dress I wore today)

 This had more Jolly Ranchers in it but some little girl decided she needed them, hahahaha!

I brought it to work to use once the candy is gone.  It'll sit next to this flower pot Christopher made for me many years ago.  The sunflower is actually a pen :) 

It was a good day and weekend spent with family.  
We came back home and and topped off the weekend sitting outside for a little while listening to a little Merle Haggard :)

Hope all the mommies out there a great weekend with their babies.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Welcome May

I have realized that I am not the only person who is in shock that today is first day of May.  This year is blowing by faster than ever.  We have four weeks of school left.  I am counting down just like my kiddoes are.  While I am ready for summer break, I am not ready for the summer temps.  I know I whine about this all the time, but I just don't know how I could stand it as a child because back then I LOVED summer time.  I'm just old now I guess.  LOL!!

My sister's softball team has made the play-offs again this year.  The first round was Friday night and they came on strong winning 13-0 in 5 innings.  Next round begins this Friday in La Grange.  I probably will miss the first game since it begins at 6:00 and I have to work until 5:00 but I'll likely travel Saturday to catch Game 2.  Love watching those girls do their thing on the field.

A Dress A Day In May started today.  As you can see, I wore jeans today.

The Port hosts a Take-A-Child Fishing Tournament every year in May.  This year, we are allowed to wear jeans to work along with the current or past TACFT shirt for the next two weeks.  I love jeans so you know I'm taking advantage of that.  Plus it sure makes getting dress every day a lot easier when the only decision I have to make is which shirt I want to wear.  The shirt above is this year's shirt.
I'll pick up DADIM after the fishing tournament.  And who knows, maybe I'll participate on the weekends with a dress or two.

Hope y'all are having a great Monday.  I'm ready to hit the hay.