Wednesday, August 23, 2017

A New School Year

Here they are, my senior and my 3rd grader ready to tackle another school year.  Well, almost ready.

Bella had a slight wardrobe change after this picture.  Actually, it was more of an accessories change.  She lost the bow and added earrings...

I warned Chris he HAD to take a picture that morning because it was his last first day of school picture.  Sniff, sniff.  Whew, was he grumpy.  He has been grumpy all week, but then again he is my child.  Mommy isn't a morning person either, but I do try to perk it up for my babies.  

Bella came in my room last night and asked me to pause the tv because "we needed to talk".  Nothing like those four words to make a mommy stop in her tracks, especially when your 8 year old is being very serious and follows up with "its about something I did in school today. Good grief child, its the second day of school and you're already in trouble?  My second thought was that I was just at the school for a parent meeting to hear about the school year and her teacher didn't say anything.  

She proceeded to remind me of how hard it is when you have all this work you have to do in the morning at school.  You work, you go to PE, you work some more, you go to lunch and then work some more in the afternoon.  "And mommy", she says, "you know how sometimes when you do all that work and you are just so tired you fall asleep?  Well I did that today."  

That's what fell asleep?  She said, "yep, I fell asleep!"  She said she wasn't asleep long because her teacher woke her up.  She just couldn't understand why she was so tired and she's tired of being tired. I told her the first week of school will be hard because she had been off all summer and its difficult to get back into a routine.  Its also why mommy makes her go to bed earlier and why we started practicing that a week before school started.  I told her it would be a good idea to lay down a little earlier to get some extra rest.  She agreed.  Poor kiddo.  I also told her mommy has a hard time going back to work after vacation because I get to sleep in and stay up late when I'm on vacation so I understood her having a hard time.  

My sweet nuggets.  God bless them this first few weeks of school.  Bless them all year but these first few are going to be rough.  

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Special Weather Statement

For the last week or so I have receiving a "Special Weather Statement" on my weather app. The SWS is advising me of the high heat in the area.  Well no kidding! If you have been outside then you know it's just been awful out there, yet here are folks (my sister) who thrive in this heat. My hope it that come winter time, I will receive these SWS's telling me it's going to be really cold or even better, we will have a chance of snow. I really need to think about moving further north some day. I don't know that I will ever want to leave Texas, but who knows.

Today we are headed to daddy's for lunch with the family before my niece heads back to that place with all the maroon.  She wanted to have lunch with the family before she left. Rumor has it my brother-in-law is grilling fajitas. That would be awesome. I'm bringing dessert...

Berry cobbler and chocolate pudding pie....

Y'all stay cool and take care of yourself if you're planning to be outside.  We are headed back to school tomorrow so I'll follow-up with pictures.  I might be crying since it will be Christopher's last first day of school.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017


Its been 40 years since Mr. Presley left this world in tears.  My momma was a huge fan.  I was a huge fan at the tender age of 5.  You can thank my momma for that.

I love all of his music but this one is one of my faves....

I love, love, love how this song builds to the grand finale.  That voice....that sultry voice and you know, he ain't bad to watch and look at either.

This one is for you momma!!

Monday, August 14, 2017

Halfway There

We are halfway through August and that means I'm getting the come on and hurry up September/Fall itch on my brain.  I have refrained from decorating but I did pick up this candle Saturday when Bella and I popped into the new Bath and Body Works store at the mall to take a look.

I cannot wait to burn this sweet smelling candle.  Bella did give me permission to start burning it now but I told her I was going to make myself wait until September 1st.  Be strong Missy, be strong.  

Truth is, up until Saturday I had firecrackers still in my yard.  I just haven't had the "want" to take down Fourth of July decor and have a blank slate before all things pumpkin spice is upon us.  Maybe this weekend will be it. I have to get the house picked up and cleaned before the 26th because I am having a jewelry party.  My cleaning lady had to quit cleaning homes for health reasons.  I just haven't found a new lady yet.  The kids are chomping at the bit because until that happens, we all get extra chores.  I have to say, it has been nice not having to worry about cleaning bathrooms, dusting and mopping floors for a good while now.  #spoiled

This heat has just been unbearable.  I've said it before and I'll say it again.  Unless you are poolside, sitting in a river or enjoying another water source, its just too dang hot to be outside.  My take anyway.  I really should think about moving. 

The kids have one more week of summer before school starts August 21.  I can say with confidence that Chris could care less about school.  He would be content to keep working.  He loves having his own money, and mommy has enjoyed not handing over the debit card for gas money weekly.  Bella is 50/50 on school starting.  She enjoys her time off but misses her friends.  I finished up school shopping last week.  Supplies were bought once we were back from the river--kinda started that "tradition" a few years ago.  Christopher only asked for a couple pairs of jeans and shirts.  Bella is pretty much set.  She still needs jeans but I hesitate to buy them now because its still so hot and she won't wear them much.  I know the stores will still carry them for a while so I'm not worried.  As for me, I'm about 50/50 as well.  I'm ready for the routine but not ready for the homework and tears and whining.  But hey, that's just me.  I'm sure the kids will be fine!  

We will meet Bella's teacher and get her class assignment tomorrow. Christopher picks up his schedule Thursday, and then we are off to the races come Monday morning.  Pray for us.  

Have a good one!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

TimeHop & A Haircut

I love the TimeHop app.  It brings back memories previously posted on my social media and sometimes those memories have completely escaped me, until I see it that is.  Not this jewel that popped up yesterday.  I remember this morning very well.  She was so proud of herself for choosing her outfit of the day and getting all dolled up.  We only had a few errands to run, but she was ready.  It was the beginning of that sassiness waiting to break out.  Look at this sweet nugget...all of 2 years old.  My heart just explodes and melts at the same time.

Jump forward 6 years and here is my sassy girl after her haircut yesterday.  

She wanted so bad to get her hair cut before our vacation but we just couldn't get in to get it done.   She was so excited.  Her appointment was at noon so Christopher took her, but I surprised them both by showing up during my lunch hour. I needed to also pick up my tag for my car so I took an extra long lunch to see them and take care of business.

Here's the back of her hair...

She loves it and I have to say, she rocks it. Totally fits her spunky personality.  

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


I can't help but get a tiny bit excited when August rolls around.  This means Fall is just around the corner and I can start decorating with everything pumpkin. It also means we are closer to another school year and this year is extra special because my son will be a SENIOR.  Whoa!  I can't explain how strange this feels.  I was just a new mommy yesterday trying to figure everything out and crying when my mom left me with a brand new baby to take care of.  I had been around babies all my life, babysat them, but to have my own, holy crap that was scary.  As it turns out, he grew and thrived and has turned into a really good kid. There have been some hiccups along the way but I like to tell myself that every parent has hiccups with their children.  Its a right of passage as a parent for your children to test you, force you to be strong, sometimes mean and get all parenty (yep, I'm making that a word) on them. God help me, I still have many years to go with that 8 year old in the house.  LOL!
Seriously, my kids are pretty good kids but I swear to you there was a "poof" and here we are, staring at Christopher Michael's senior year of high school.  Let's have fun with it and kick ass.  No stress.  These are the words I have said to him many times this summer and will say again before his first day of classes.  THIS is going to be a good year.  Positive thinking.

Happy August 1st y'all!