If you follow me on Instagram and FB, then you have probably already seen these pics but I'm bringing them here anyway...
Miss Bella getting ready to milk a cow...well not a real one anyway...
Miss Bella getting ready to milk a cow...well not a real one anyway...
Somehow I don't think she would be smiling like that if this were a real cow and all...
On to the petting zoo...one of her favorite activities. She keeps telling me she's going to be a cowgirl when she grows up. We shall see little one.
Had to show y'all this. Remember that fringy flyaway I snagged in Canton. Well, she made her debut twice at the fair. This was Friday night. I got all gussied up to serve beer at the concert arena. Didn't see anyone but a crowd full of youngin's but dang my outfit was purdy!
This was Sunday when Bella and I went out for a little while to milk cows and visit the animals...
My sweet friend Callie was kind enough to help me shop for some britches a few days before and these destruction britches are what we went with....
Later during the week we had the BBQ Cook-Off. I was not able to help them get set-up on Thursday but we made it out Thursday after work. Our friend Danny who used to own Paradise Sports Bar & Grill came out to see us. Paradise is now Mulberry Bar & Grill in Angleton. Danny retired from that business several years back. Anyway, Tony had an old sign he put up so we all gathered for a picture. That's Danny standing next to me.
And one in front of our camp...
I was awful at taking pictures this year at the cook-off. As you know, I just wasn't feeling it this year.
This was Thursday night...
and a couple of pictures I snapped over the weekend...
Love that my kids love cooking with us and want to always learn from us...
My girl cooling her tush off. Underneath that tarp was iced down beer....ha!
Hitting the rides Saturday night...
We didn't win big at the cook-off this year and let's not even talk about my Friday Night Feast because that was just total disappointment, mostly in myself. However, I did enter the Rice Plus Cook-Off again with a very special recipe that was my Grandmother's. I asked Daddy if he remembered Grandma ever making these muffins and he said no, especially since they had zucchini in them. Yellow squash was the only thing they grew in the garden that was close to the zucchini family. However, after looking at the date of the cookbook (1982)...he said she could have very well been making all kinds of things by then because all her children had moved out. Ha!
So here's how I did.....
Yep, that's a first place ribbon and a silver platter my friends. It absolutely made my day. And to know it was Grandma Berger's recipe made it even better. I wasn't keeping track of time well so I totally missed them announcing my name as the winner but still had my picture taken. Once they post it, I'll share it with you.
And in case you're interested, here's the winning recipe....
So there you have my recap, well sort of. I kinda sorta got into the cook-off but just never really found my groove. Maybe next year...
Y'all have a good one!