Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Fair & Cook-Off Pictures

Better late than never....

If you follow me on Instagram and FB, then you have probably already seen these pics but I'm bringing them here anyway...

Miss Bella getting ready to milk a cow...well not a real one anyway...

Somehow I don't think she would be smiling like that if this were a real cow and all...

On to the petting of her favorite activities.  She keeps telling me she's going to be a cowgirl when she grows up.  We shall see little one.

Had to show y'all this. Remember that fringy flyaway I snagged in Canton.  Well, she made her debut twice at the fair.  This was Friday night.  I got all gussied up to serve beer at the concert arena.  Didn't see anyone but a crowd full of youngin's but dang my outfit was purdy! 

This was Sunday when Bella and I went out for a little while to milk cows and visit the animals...
My sweet friend Callie was kind enough to help me shop for some britches a few days before and these destruction britches are what we went with....

Later during the week we had the BBQ Cook-Off.  I was not able to help them get set-up on Thursday but we made it out Thursday after work.  Our friend Danny who used to own Paradise Sports Bar & Grill came out to see us.  Paradise is now Mulberry Bar & Grill in Angleton.  Danny retired from that business several years back.  Anyway, Tony had an old sign he put up so we all gathered for a picture.  That's Danny standing next to me.  

And one in front of our camp...

I was awful at taking pictures this year at the cook-off.  As you know, I just wasn't feeling it this year.

This was Thursday night...

and a couple of pictures I snapped over the weekend...
Love that my kids love cooking with us and want to always learn from us...

My girl cooling her tush off.  Underneath that tarp was iced down beer....ha!

Hitting the rides Saturday night...

We didn't win big at the cook-off this year and let's not even talk about my Friday Night Feast because that was just total disappointment, mostly in myself.  However, I did enter the Rice Plus Cook-Off again with a very special recipe that was my Grandmother's.  I asked Daddy if he remembered Grandma ever making these muffins and he said no, especially since they had zucchini in them.  Yellow squash was the only thing they grew in the garden that was close to the zucchini family.  However, after looking at the date of the cookbook (1982)...he said she could have very well been making all kinds of things by then because all her children had moved out.  Ha!

So here's how I did.....

Yep, that's a first place ribbon and a silver platter my friends.  It absolutely made my day.  And to know it was Grandma Berger's recipe made it even better.  I wasn't keeping track of time well so I totally missed them announcing my name as the winner but still had my picture taken. Once they post it, I'll share it with you.  

And in case you're interested, here's the winning recipe....

So there you have my recap, well sort of.  I kinda sorta got into the cook-off but just never really found my groove.  Maybe next year...

Y'all have a good one!

Monday, October 26, 2015

This Kid

This stud right here finished up cross country at the District meet the week of the cook-off.  He was one spot shy of going as a back up runner for Regionals. He was a little disappointed he didn't make it but proud of himself for pushing as hard as he did this year.  I discovered during his meets this year that I'm not very good at taking pictures and cheering at the same time, especially when he is coming to the finish line.  I'm screaming like a crazy person encouraging him to run hard, push hard and finish strong.

These were some non-blurry pictures I managed to snap at the meet in Huffman. They had a heckuva hill to climb...twice!  I asked him about that hill after the race and his response was "it was a bitch mom".  Nuff said.

That last picture has to be my favorite.  I had no idea Bella was even in the background running up the hill until I was looking at the pictures later.  Notice she has a big ole smile, he does not.  ha!  

I'm so proud of this kid for working so hard this year, not just in cross country but with his grades as well.  He made the A-B Honor Roll the first six weeks.  I asked him how he felt.  He said good and proud.  I told him to remember that feeling.  So stinkin' proud of him.  Keep up the good work my son.   

Thursday, October 15, 2015

October 15th

To most people, its just another day on the calendar.  For me, its the day I became a momma again. Its the day you were welcomed to our family.  I had another son.  A sweet boy.

You are 13 today son.  My gosh how time has flown by.  How would we be celebrating your day? Would it be a small party at the fair since we have the cook-off team?  I like to think so.  Just like your cousin Brandon has his parties at the beach house, yours would be at the cook-off.  Fitting I think. I decided I'm going to get you a cake for this evening to celebrate your 13th.  

I've been doing a crappy job at managing my heartache lately.  No awards here for being the strong one because I really suck at it. But I'll tell you son, you still remind me to take time for family, to take time for Chris and Bella.  To not be in such a hurry that we miss out on the little things.  Thank you for that son.

I would give anything to have you here with us.  You are missed and loved by all.  Your momma's heart will never be the same.

I love you Jace Andrew...

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Cook-Off And Other Stuff

Cook-off begins tomorrow (well set-up is tomorrow) and I'm not ready.  To be honest, I'm just not looking forward to it like I usually do.  I'm hoping that will all change once I get out there.  We shall see.

I have decided what I'm going to make and submit for Friday Night Feast, just need to pick everything up tonight. I also need to finish the sponsor sign so the guys can have that to hang up Thursday when they set up.

We were off Monday for Columbus Day.  As I was folding laundry and making my lists, I kept thinking it sure would have been nice to have the whole week off so I decided that if we do this next year, I'm going to see if I can work that out.  There's just so much running and prepping to do that it would be nice to have days and evenings to get everything done.  This whole work thing is getting in the way.  Ha!

Oh yes...have to share this with y'all.  Not that you want to know my lady business but I had my well woman check up Monday.  Nothing like a visit to your ob/gyn to remind you that you're getting old...

Doc:  Do you have someone checking your skin? Your skin is showing your age.
Me:  Yes I do.  My appointment is actually already scheduled for later this month.
Doc: Good. Your skin has that look so you really need to have a skin check every year now.

That look?  Of what?  Too much sun in my teen years without sunscreen.  And I was feeling pretty good about myself Monday. That blew it to shit.  I had prepared myself for her to drop the M word again because she did that to me last year.  And yes, by the M word I do mean MENOPAUSE.  Quite frankly, I'm ready for it.  I already get the hot flashes and night sweats so what else is there other than mother nature not punishing me each month for not being pregnant?  To be honest I've been over the headaches and cramps for years now.      

I'm off to go do this work thing.  We're having dinner with Daddy and Lena tonight and then I'll be hitting up the grocery store to pick up supplies for cook-off and stock up the house.  We are out of mustard at home.  How the hell that happened I have no idea.  We are never out of mustard. Crazy. I'm still having issues with that one.

Y'all have a good one.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Happy Friday Y'all

Its Friday y'all and I couldn't be more happy about that.  This week was a tough one but I made it through and have a 3-day weekend staring at me now and next weekend.  Our county fair kicks off today so I took a day of vacation next Friday because we will be in the cook-off again this year so I'm only working 3 days next week.  3 is my number at the moment!  The kids will also have a day off from school next Friday and let me tell you, they are ready!

I saw this on FB last night and had to share it,  It was much needed....

Not much else to report. Guess I better get to work.  
Y'all have a good one.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Canton Finds

I got home from work yesterday and decided that I would take pictures of my loot from Canton for y'all before I found homes for everything. Always thinking of y'all ;)

Here is the first picture I took before I realized I had left something out.

Close ups...

I bought 3 of these little Christmas wreaths.  Don't ask me why 3.  My answer is because two years ago I bought 3 Fall wreaths so I did the same here. Actually, I do remember a conversation Marilee and I had about decorating.  She had heard or was told or something that you should have an odd number of whatever if you have more than one.  I guess that's where the 3 wreaths come in.  Sounds good for now so let's go with that logic.  

My good ole Texas star for the wall.  Y'all, this was a hard decision.  Even after I found it, I hem-hawed about it.  I actually wanted the color stain to be in red but they were out of that particular style/color so I went with this turquoise. There are several vendors that carry this style star so even after I bought it (for only $35), I would see another vendor set up and would hold my breath hoping I didn't see a red one.  God must have really wanted me to have this one because no red was found.

Tin letters to place above the doorway to each of the kid's rooms and my tulle for gifts.  I found the letters at one of our favorite places to shop.  In fact, its always our first stop...Paul Michael Company.  You can shop online but I assure you its not near as much fun walking through their store.  They expanded their Canton location so now there are two buildings.  One houses more of the Christmas and holiday decor while the other is mostly large pieces of furniture.

Here, I tried to get a close up of the chunky candle sticks I found at a shop called Laurie Anna.  This is one of the last shops we go to on Sunday before skipping town.  You need to give yourself plenty of time when going because this store is overwhelming. There is so much crammed into this place but they make all look so pretty and awesome.  We saw these right as I walked in the door.  They only had two sizes so I opted for one large and two smaller ones because I wanted three.  They are a pewter color but there are hints of gold in them as well.  And no, I have NO IDEA where I'm going to put them but they will look awesome anywhere.  ha!  These were my splurge purchase.  There's always one when we go.  Its part of the fun.   

This picture was taken after I realized I had left out the Happy Holidays garland.  What I love about this garland is you can put it up Thanksgiving through Christmas. Perfect! 

Did you notice the fringy flyaway on the right?  I'm going to debut this beauty at the fair.  It was a fun purchase.  Not something I was looking for but when I saw it, I loved it.  I actually had spotted another one that was a little different but this one won the coveted spot in my closet.  

I realized as I was loading the pictures that I didn't take a close up of my lantern on the left.  That was something I went back to get at the Paul Michael Company. We actually went back for Marilee to get something as well but they were already sold out.  I just really love this lantern.  It has a hurricane glass cover to protect your candle so I totally put garland or whatever around it to decorate it.  I would really love to hang this on my front porch. I'm a sucker for lanterns.  I'm figuring that out quickly. I NEED to cover my back patio because I saw so much in Canton that I would love to decorate with-lanterns especially. Until that is done, there's no point because the weather will ruin it. Some day.  

So here's a look back at my list I went to Canton with....
Other things on my list...
~Candle decor - I don't know what else to call it.  If I get it, I'll take a pic and show you. Ha!
~Tulle for gifts & maybe some Christmas wrapping paper
~Christmas ornament for annual ornament exchange at work
~Cross for necklace (I lost a cross on a necklace the first time I wore it.  Hoping I might be able to find a replacement cross or something else in Canton)
~Random home decor 
~I don't have specific Christmas gifts on my list but if I happen upon something I like, I'll pick it up.

Including the star...I marked three items off my list.  I never really looked for a cross for my necklace and never saw the candle decor I mentioned either.  I did see a Christmas ornament I liked but was going to see what else was out there and then kind of forgot about it.  ha!  No Christmas gifts were purchased either.  

I will tell  you something that is on my hit list for next time is a windmill or a half windmill for my wall.  Here's what I'm talking about...


That would be so cool to have on my wall!  We totally found a shop that had them too but dadgum they were expensive so that purchase will have to wait.  

Anyway, there are my finds from Canton this trip.  I can't wait to go back and shop some more but I must replenish my Canton funds first.  

Ya'll have a good one!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Back From Canton...and Back to Reality

We rolled back into town last night about 6:45-7:00.  My babies came home a short few minutes later and I was so happy to see those smiling faces.  They loved seeing all the goodies I brought home for our home.  Not to worry, I will take pictures to share with you, I was just plum tuckered out last night to do anything of the sort.

We had a fun weekend together, laughing, shopping, eating and drinking.  Being with girlfriends is always good therapy.  And while I had a really good time with them, I'm still struggling.  My heart just hasn't caught up with reality. This break-up is more difficult than I imagined it would be.  The reminders of what would have been, our dreams and hopes for the future.  Being in Canton was difficult...he loved doing stuff like this so seeing other couples wasn't painful but more like a sting, like someone poking the wound.  There was a part of me that was hoping I would walk around the corner and see him with someone, so then I'd be pissed off mad and be done.  Boom.  Or would it have added more pain?  It didn't happen so why write about it.  Because I'm trying to get what I'm feeling out because its very hard to explain.  Saturday night I broke.  I held in tears all day and I couldn't anymore, I told Marilee I was going to walk down an aisle to look at something while they were making a purchase.  As soon I turned away, the tears fell. I walked straight to the bathroom, cried in a stall and cursed myself for being so weak.  Even now, the tears are welling up.  I just miss having him in my life, having a go-to person again. When we were together, everything clicked, there were no questions because we knew.  Its when we were apart that we fell apart.  I keep telling myself this is for the best.  My head gets it, but my heart doesn't.  It just hurts. Not just for me...but for us and our children.

I know I can move on, I know I can survive this but right now it is painfully hard. I haven't called him, I haven't texted him, I haven't given in.  I am being strong.

Marilee sent me her devotion this morning and I wanted to share it with you...

"God understands our hearts and knows when we hurt and knows our desires.  Trust that the God who made you for His own blessing plans to fill you with blessings.  His timing isn't ours, but His love is.  In the midst of hurting don't lose sight of the good things he's already blessed us with."

I haven not forgotten the blessings in my life, but I do wonder when my time will come to be happy...

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Hello There Sweet October

Its true, October is my favorite month.  What's not to love?  Seriously.  I guess if you're a summer gal like my sister, then you wouldn't be super excited about like I am.  You get all of these things and more...

And because I love the rain and pumpkins, I had to share this one with you...

Y'all have a great October 1st!!

Psst....I'm going to Canton this weekend.  Giggle, giggle....