Friday, December 27, 2013


Oh my...a lot has been going on since last Saturday.  Let me see if I can get you caught up.

Saturday we were in Bay City celebrating Christmas with my Mom's family when my brother walks in, asks me for the keys to my car and then casually mentions that Chris fell out of a tree.  I seriously thought he was joking.  He tells me he's not and he needs to go pick him up because the boys couldn't carry him anymore.  Inside I'm freaking out but I'm trying to stay calm until I know exactly what's going on.  I'm told he sprained his ankle.  Flashback to Bryan falling out of the tree, emergency room, chainsaw, broken ribs, etc, etc.  We pull up and he's grinning so I know he's okay.  We load him up and take him back to the clubhouse to get ice on his ankle and was swollen.  The story is he and his cousins were playing hide n seek.  He climbed in a tree to hide, wanted to go higher, pulled on a limb to go up and it broke sending him out of the tree.  Poor kid.  Skip to Monday...he's still hurting and can't put a lot of weight on his foot.  He's walking but it hurts.  My sister and her connections get us into the orthopedic doctor in town.  An examination, questions and couple x-rays later, we find that it wasn't just a sprain but he broke his ankle.  And might I add, he did a dang good job of doing it.  See below...

Even better news...he needs surgery!  Oh my boy was not happy at all...and I didn't blame him.  Poor kid finally finds a sport he loves in running and now he's out for the spring. Surgery is scheduled for the morning after Christmas. 

Bright and early December 26th prepped and ready for surgery....

Here is what his ankle looked like before he went in....bruising and still swollen but let me tell you something. this kid was WALKING ON IT!! High tolerance for pain people, that's all I can say!
Two screws later, new footwear for about 6 weeks....
He did so good.  I was so proud of him. He is very much like his mother in that he worries and he was very nervous. We both were but he handled it all like a pro.  No funny stories to tell about him in recovery, he just couldn't believe it was over.  For him, it was very quick.  Dr. McDonald said everything went perfect, that you couldn't even see the fracture line anymore, that the screws were doing their job.  Yay!! 
Interesting week to say the least but my boy is doing fine.  Pain pills make him very sleepy so he is resting good. 
So Christmas Eve, my girl wants to play with my phone. She has games on it and she loves to play the new Duck Dynasty game I have on it now.  Her and bubba's favorite at the moment.  A little while later I get my phone and find she has taken a bunch of selfies.  Oh I laughed.  It made my day.  I made a collage of all of them.
Merry Christmas Mommy!!  Silly girl!
Later that afternoon we went to Dad's for the Berger/LeBlanc Christmas....lots of food and presents later, we were ready to head home and get ready for Santa to come see us!!
 Me and my boy...
My little family...
And I took absolutely NO pictures Christmas Day with my babies.  I think I was still trying to wake up.  My children woke me up at 6 a.m.!!  Good thing I had plenty of coffee.  We had a great day.  Their dad came to get them around lunch to have Christmas with him and I will get them back Saturday afternoon.  A little quiet time for mom, but I miss them so much.  Its almost too quiet in the house when they are gone.  Back at work today for a little while and then the weekend!! You know how I love Fridays and the weekend.  Was supposed to be off a few days next week but I believe I will be working now.  Oh well! 
Y'all have a good one!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Isabella Marie

Oh this child....the things that come out of her mouth sometimes absolutely crack me up.  I am going to try and share them with you but I have a feeling they won't be near as funny as the moment they took place.....

So the other day I'm in the kitchen cleaning up and she comes walking in there with big alligator tears and the saddest looking face...

Me:  What's wrong baby girl?
Bella:  I'm just so sad because those puppies don't have a home to stay warm.  It just really makes my heart sad for them.
Me:  What puppies? 
Bella:  The ones on TB (TV)...she don't have any homes and they need someone to snuggle with.  I want them all.
Me:  (Rolling my eyes while I'm hugging her thinking oh my Lord...)

Every Monday Bella has dance at 5:00.  Pop (my daddy) picks her up from daycare and gets her there for me.  I meet them at dance around 5:30 after I get off work.  He always has stories to tell me when I get there.  Here's yesterday's story....

Pop was loading her up in this truck to go to dance...
Bella:  I want to sit over there...pointing to the middle
Pop:  No
Bella:  Why not?
Pop:  Because I don't want to have to climb in the truck to buckle you in.
Bella:  You can go to the other side. 

Smarty pants.

Last night another one of those dang commercials with the puppies comes on.  Now I loves animals but honestly, I can't stand those commercials.  They just bug me.  And my Bella....stops in her tracks...

Bella:  Oh Mommy, look at those poor little puppies.  They are so sad because they don't have a home for no one to love them and snuggle.  Oh look at that white one...oh and that one!  Oh my goodness, look at that kitty cat. 
Me:  (Rolling me eyes thinking to myself....she is gonna be that woman with 20 pets when she grows up.  I just know it....bringing home strays, etc.  Yes, this will be MY daughter)

And while there is nothing wrong with that....Brewster is a rescue dog thank you very much.  I just think it takes an awesome person to have that many animals.  My daughter will be one of them.  Mark my words.

A little later she hands me an ad she pulled out of a magazine....

Bella:  (Almost squealing) Here mommy, you need one of these!
Me:  Excuse me??  (Its a No No)
Bella:  It take all your hair off...not here (patting her head) but on your arms and your face and your whegs (legs)...
Me:  How do you know this?
Bella:  Because I saw it on TB...and you need PINK!!
Me:  Oh really?  I have hair on my face?
Bella:  Just a little but it takes hair off your arms like this....(rolls her sleeve up to show me the hair on her arm) and will get the polka dots off your need it.

Good grief....

Monday, December 9, 2013

Coffee, Chocolate and PW's Cookbook

Sunday afternoon I sat down with a cup of coffee, a chocolate bar (one that I may or may not have hidden from my children) and Pioneer Woman's latest cookbook.  I was determined to finish reading it that day.  I've had PW's cookbook for a few weeks now, okay maybe two, and had made my way to Easter but had to stop.  I'm a mom to the busiest 4 year old who has no off switch and always wants mommy for this, that, then some and more. 

In between everything I was looking at Instagram and see this...

This is my cousin Caryn's collection.  I asked her a few years ago how many books she had, her reply was a lot.  I never dreamed this but isn't it fantastic?!!?  I'm so totally jealous.  I just thought I had a nice little collection of my own.  Ha! Mine covers one shelf!  I have a wish list that I let Amazon keep track of.  Right now, I have 12 cookbooks on that wish list, another 7 books that aren't cookbooks and 3 more books for Bella.  There would probably be more if I took the time to really look but I started this list a long time ago.  I'll hear about a book or read about one somewhere and this just seemed like a good place to keep up with it. Added bonus is if the price changes, I get notification from Amazon and most times, its easier on the pocketbook and myself to order from them instead of purchasing in a bookstore. 
Anyway, I made it to Thanksgiving in PW's cookbook and had to stop again.  I read each recipe and story as if I'm reading a book.  I will say that PW stole borrowed had the same idea I have for the family cookbook I will eventually do (how many years have I been talking about this damn book?) in that she has a story with each recipe.  This is the idea/plan I've had from the beginning.  I think it makes the book more personal and you get a glimpse inside the family and the story behind the treasured recipe.  In talking with my other cousin Dina, I decided I'm going to purchase a spiral notebook and begin writing this book as time allows.  Keep it with me so I can tell the stories as they come with the recipes.  Might even do the same for my Bella Stories and Canton Adventures.  We'll make a writer out of me yet! 
So yes, made it to Thanksgiving and will finish this book by the end of the year.  I'm not going to dare say Christmas because I know I'd probably be shooting myself in the foot on that one.  Its been a great read so far and I can't wait to try some of the new recipes I've come across.  You should go pick up a copy for yourself! 
Y'all have a good one!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sunday Small Things

I have always said the small things in life mean the most to me.  A few things happened today to make my heart smile so I thought I would share some of those moments with you along with a few others that have happened recently..

When my niece calls or texts me to ask what shoes would go best with this or that, or which outfit do I like better.  Sometimes I wonder why, out of all the people she could call on, she asks me but I do love being the "go-to" Aunt.  :)

When my son's friends call me Momma...and will give me hugs and holler "I love you" in front of others.  Yes, they are all teenagers and no, I don't bribe them with anything.

That I am called Aunt by my heart nieces and nephews and that these same nieces and nephews, as well as my children, have gotten into arguments with other kids about whether or not they are cousins. To them they totally are! True story.  They are very passionate about being family and those they call family!

That I have family and friends I may not see very often but can always call or text and pick up right where we left off.  This blog also helps keep us in touch. 

That my Aunt Carolyn will call or text me every now and then to check on me and the children or just simply say "hello, I'm thinking about you".  She's does it more often since my divorce.  It always makes my heart smile.  Added bonus is that every single time I've asked her about a recipe, she always has an answer for me.

That my family relies on me to coordinate, set, plan, schedule (however you want to put it) family get togethers, family dinners, holidays, etc. I would be lying if I didn't say it gets to be overwhelming at times but I do love it.  I sometimes think we would never see each other if I didn't try.

For as long as I can remember, my brother has brought me his Christmas gifts to wrap for him, even if its just a bottle of wine.  And no, I don't mind at all. I love it!  He always buys a roll of giftwrap however, this year I asked for scotch tape.  I will probably be devastated when that special someone makes their way into his life and my gift-wrapping days will cease.  Somehow I think I won't have too terrible a time getting over it.

I have meals that my children, nieces and nephews request me to make for them.  I have achieved that status of having "that dish" and actually, I have more than one dish!!  Its a great feeling.

I hope y'all are noticing the small things as well.  Have a good one!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Baby Its Gettin' Cold Outside

Another big cold front is making its way down today so we will have rainy days and very cold temps this weekend.  I am off tomorrow so that makes me REALLY happy that I can stay in my jammies all day long at home!  I will take Chris and McGwire to school but I do believe Miss Bella and I will stay home and hang out baking tomorrow. I'll give her the option to go to daycare but my girl loves her some mommy time.

I am told I was the same way when I was just a little girl, and that many of the crying fits Miss Bella has had wanting me, I did the same wanting my mommy.  Funny, I still do that.  See my previous post on my meltdown on Thanksgiving.  I do love that she wants me all the time and loves to snuggle with me. To be honest, as much as I want her to sleep in her own bed, I know I will probably have some serious separation anxiety when she finally does.  Hopefully by then I might have a handsome cowboy to replace her.  Wink, wink.  I've quit holding my breath. 

I have friends posting about the snow on FB and I'm totally jealous.  They (Jeannie) assure me that they will try to push it down to us.  I keep hearing rumors that the conditions the winter are the same  as they were back in 2004 when we got all that beautiful snow Christmas Eve/Day.  We'll see I guess.  Sure would be nice. 

So baking tomorrow, Bella has a dance performance on Saturday morning and Sunday is wide open.  I seriously need to do some laundry and we won't even talk about the pile of stuff in my room, aka The Catch-All Room.  I really would love to transform my room into a little retreat for myself.  Its not big by any means but I would love to put a chair and ottoman in there for reading.  I think if I position everything right, it could work. But that's a whole other project that will wait for another time (probably will never happen). 

Hey...the cold front has made it.  Right now, it feels so nice out.  Slight wind but nothing too terribly bad.  The rain hits later. 

Y'all stay safe and warm!!


Monday, December 2, 2013


I had a minor to semi-big meltdown Thanksgiving evening, like couldn't catch my breath I was crying so hard type deal.  I just miss my mom so very much.  The holidays just aren't the same without her here.  I miss everything about her and I would love to have just one more day to be able to sit and talk with her, drink coffee, ask her all the things I never did and hug her until she tells me that's enough.  I've got a huge lump in my throat right now just typing this.  My poor children kept asking what was wrong and I told them I just missed their Grammy very much.  Christopher knows that when I get this way that I just need some time to get all the tears out.  He will always give me a hug.  My sweet Bella told me she would take care of me and make it all better.  I hate breaking down around them, but sometimes I just can't keep it in.  I ended up crying myself to sleep that night with Bella laying right beside with her arm laying over me.  I cried harder thinking about how mom would never know her granddaughter and how sweet and giving she is.  Momma loved Christmas...the decorations, the music, the movies, all of it.  Okay...I see where I get it from now (laughing at myself) but its a good thing, right?  I mean, its better than being a total Grinch the entire holiday season.  That just wouldn't be any fun and my momma wouldn't have wanted me to be that way. So I will keep pushing forward, keep finding ways to remember mom in the little things I do knowing that she is with me all the time and keeping an eye out for all of us.  I will smile when I can, but allow the tears to fall when they need to.

Just miss you so very much...........


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving

Many blessings to you and yours on this Thanksgiving Day...



Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Festival of Lights

Bella had her very first dance performance this past weekend at the Festival of Lights.  Thank goodness they were able to perform inside because it was cold, wet and just plain yucky outside and as you'll see from the pictures, our girls would have froze! 

I know I'm her momma but I think she's a little princess here...

Her daddy brought his camera and took some pics while she was dancing.  All the girls did so good but again, I'm especially proud of Miss Bella. Their little routine was to Frosty The Snowman and they were so adorable.  Aren't their costumes the cutest?!

Here they are at the end. Bella is second from the left waving at her mommy :)
And after with a very proud momma!
And a very proud Godmomma :)  DiDi is also my cousin.
And the three of us...
Dina took a picture of Bella with mommy and daddy both with her but I'm guessing it didn't turn out because I didn't get that one.  Oh well.  We tried.  They will have one more Christmas performance the first weekend in December at Light Up The Capitol and I can't wait to watch my little Boo again. 
Oh...I have to show you this picture of her hair when I finished curling it.  It was soooo beautiful. And then it fell.  I was sad.  It still had some wave and small curl to it but looked nothing like this.  Oh well...she was still beautiful and I am still proud of her.  Not too bad at all for her first year and first performance!
Can't wait to see how she'll improve through the year!! 
Y'all have a great one!

Monday, November 25, 2013


Your granddaughter has been talking about you a lot tonight, like she has spent time with you. Has she?

I'm missing you so much tonight momma...and always.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Christmas Is Coming!!

I absolutely love Thanksgiving but the holiday that really gets me excited and happy is Christmas.  Everything about it puts me in a happy giddy mood.  I have been fighting the urge the last couple of weeks to put up my Christmas tree and start decorating.  I usually can hold off until Thanksgiving but man I'm having a hard time this year.  Its really kind of sad because I want to enjoy what little Thanksgiving décor I have, especially since I acquired a few new pieces in Canton but I think I'm going to have to give in this weekend.  There will be a cold front blowing in so I think that will make it perfect weather for the task, although it does take me a few days to get it all done. 

Part of my Christmas décor includes a nutcracker collection I started several years back thanks to my sweet girlfriend Amye Jo.  Usually Target puts out a new line every year however, this year they must have forgotten about us because they don't have anything.  We had to look elsewhere which I must confess was kind of fun.  Amye Jo started the hunt last week by hitting Hobby Lobby.  I guess I've never really paid attention to their nutcracker collection but I was giddy with excitement when I received his picture from AJ...
AJ went with the Santa in the far right bottom corner.  I had my eye on the candy cane Santa down in front. The elf nutcracker was very cute but he just wasn't Santa.  I set out to find my nutcracker Saturday while my children were with their dad--I needed concentration.  ha!  I found one but remembered AJ telling me she saw more down one of the aisles so I set off to see if there were other choices.  I found a whole slew of them, all candy cane inspired but with different features.  I picked out a couple I liked and put them in my basket to mull over while I looked around.  I turned around to see what was on the other side of the aisle to find this....
pardon the blurry picture...but isn't he the cutest little dang nutcracker??
He even comes with a piece of chalk hanging off the board!  I sent the picture to AJ with the caption "Squeal!!!!", and laughed when I got her response.  Apparently she didn't see these and wanted to know where he came from.  I still can't believe she missed these but you can bet she'll probably end up with one of these too.  He was a little more $$ but still half off.  I could NOT pass him up.  He's so purdy!  One thing I liked about the Target line of nutcrackers is that they always had the date on them each year but I will just write the date on the bottom of this one. Problem solved.
Last year I purchased a skinny Christmas tree from my girlfriend's flower shop in town.  I LOVE it!!  I absolutely love sitting in the living room with just the tree lights on at night, candles burning, Christmas movie playing.  Perfectness in my book.  Only thing that would make it even better is if I had a fireplace.  Maybe some day. 
I'm hoping/planning to incorporate baking Christmas cut-out cookies this year.  I have never done it.  I know, its sad.  But I so want to tackle it this year so I've given my Aunt Carolyn a holler and she is going to send me the best sugar cookie recipe.  I wish y'all could enjoy all the baking she does each year.  I always look forward to sampling her work Christmas Day.  Total yumminess!  I bake but not to the extent she does.  I'll get there one year.  :)
I'm going to do my best to make this the best Christmas ever for my children.  I have no idea why I am so excited about this year but I am.  And no...there is no special man in my life, but that is another subject and posting all its own. 
Until then, y'all have a good one!
P.S.....what are your Christmas traditions??

Monday, November 11, 2013

The Sparkle Is Back

After being sick for an entire week, the sparkle finally found its way back to my girl's eyes and this momma has never been so very happy to see it again.  As I've said before, I absolutely hate it when my babies are sick.  Fever scares me more than anything, especially when its high.  Go away big nasty fever and don't come back!!  Yes...I said that more than one time last week. 

Look at that sweet smile playing peek a boo with me :).  I was off today so I kept my girl home with me one last day.  This is while we were waiting for Christopher after school.  She was keeping a look out for him. 

And here she is playing in the leaves....I absolutely LOVE this moment I caught....
Sweet girl...
Its good to see that sparkle again....
Y'all have a good one!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Right Where I Need To Be

Miss Bella has been sick since Sunday evening. I thought she was only going to be down one day but her fever spiked Monday during the night so Tuesday morning I called Dr. Patti to get her in to see what was going on.  Turns out her ears were clear and looked good (shocker) but her throat not so much.  Strep it was along with very, very bad allergies.  Poor baby girl.  An antibiotic and allergy meds later, she finally started getting the rest she needed...on momma.  I tried to get her to nap on the way to the doctor and back home.  None doing.  After we got home, I set her up on the couch with her stuffed giraffe, blankets and cartoons.  None doing.  I was folding clothes in my room when she wandered in there and asked me to snuggle with her in my bed.  Of course I obliged....and out she went.  I got up later to go to the bathroom and get a snack.  She woke up and came to find me.  We went back to the room, she laid down, snuggled up to me, laid her head on my chest and out she went again.  This is where I stayed the rest of the night.  I'm not going to lie...I loved every minute of it.

I'm thankful I have understanding bosses who are fine with me being home when my children are sick.  I worry about missing work but I know that with my babies is right where I need to be and should be. 
Blessed beyond words.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Our Halloween

Our Halloween was pretty low-key this year.  Not that there's a lot of hoopla any other year but we didn't have friends and family...and friends of family...and friends of friends of other friends joining us this year so yes, its was low-key.  Did you follow me?

The kids had an early dinner with their dad this year, I picked them up and off we went to Pop and Nana's to meet up with the Rubio's (my sister and her family) for some trick or treating in the neighborhood.  Pop ordered pizza and I did bake an apple pie.  Don't get was frozen so all I did was pop it in the oven.  But I tell you was a dang good pie!

Here are our goblins before we headed out to trick and receive treats, Ninjas 1 & 2, Cleopatra and Princess Ariel...

The boy decided to stay put this year and pass out candy to the goblins who rang the bell.  I told him he had to wear the mask I bought him a month ago that he had to have, but he didn't.  I did get him to snap a picture with me that morning.  Look how tall he's getting!!!
The Princess decided she only wanted to wear her headband and not her crown so I decided to wear it.  I was so excited that I FINALLY got my crown. LOL!!
The Princess also had a meltdown on the way back to the house.  Tired of walking, tired of carrying her bag of candy, feet were hurting...she was just whiny.  But as soon as we got back to the house and she unloaded her candy to see what all she had received, that smile showed back up.
It was a good night.  We stopped by a friend's house on our way home to see them.  We stayed long enough for them to SPOIL Bella with a ton more candy and then we headed home.  We were all tired and ready for bed.  All in all, it was a good Halloween.  I prefer it to fall on a weekend so the kids and I can do fun things during the day but we still had a good time. 
Now...bring on the turkey!!! 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween Everybody!!!
I hope you have a spooktacular day filled with tons of tricks, treats, ghosts and goblins!!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Random Phone Pics

I do take a lot of pictures with my phone but not all of it makes it to my blog, FB, Instagram or Twitter so I thought I would dump what I have taken pics of since my last post and share some of it with you.  :)

I came across this recipe in a magazine...most definitely need to try this one out!!
Pumpkin Caramel Pecan Cheesecake. 

This is my chalkboard sign that I wrote on a few months back with my chalkboard ink pen and AFTER I attempted to wipe it clean a few times to write something else on it.  Didn't work.  Guess its a good thing I wrote something generic that will apply year round!

My "Home" sign to the right as you come in my entry. I purchased it in Canton and finally hung it up.  Its my starting piece for this wall. 


My prize purchase in Canton this year.  My Texas star for the front porch.  Daddy got it hung up for us and I was so proud.  I love it!

Burn baby burn.  What an awesome release.  :)

Three special ladies in my life.  Stacy, Jana and Jennifer.  We talk almost daily.  We have helped each other through some tough times. 

Homemade pigs in a blanket or "piggies" I made Sunday afternoon.  Not bad for my first go round!

Laugh, apologize and let go...

going to learn how to tie a scarf this way...its different and I liked it.

Peace my loves...

My new life planner came in Tuesday!!  Love it!!

 he was SO EXCITED to get to school this morning, can't you tell?  LOL

This sinful thing was sinfully delicious...Pumpkin Cupcakes with cinnamon cream cheese frosting top with cinnamon sugared pecans. 

ya'll have a beautiful evening...

Friday, October 25, 2013

BBQ Cook-Off. Check & Done.

The BBQ Cook-Off was last weekend and I have to say that as much as I enjoy it every year, I am super glad it is done and over with for another year.  Other than my brother and sister winning raffle prizes, we didn't walk away with any big wins this year but we sure did have some fun! 

It truly is a family event with everyone pitching in and helping out. 
Many thanks to everyone and we'll see you next year!!