Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Isabella Marie

Oh this child....the things that come out of her mouth sometimes absolutely crack me up.  I am going to try and share them with you but I have a feeling they won't be near as funny as the moment they took place.....

So the other day I'm in the kitchen cleaning up and she comes walking in there with big alligator tears and the saddest looking face...

Me:  What's wrong baby girl?
Bella:  I'm just so sad because those puppies don't have a home to stay warm.  It just really makes my heart sad for them.
Me:  What puppies? 
Bella:  The ones on TB (TV)...she don't have any homes and they need someone to snuggle with.  I want them all.
Me:  (Rolling my eyes while I'm hugging her thinking oh my Lord...)

Every Monday Bella has dance at 5:00.  Pop (my daddy) picks her up from daycare and gets her there for me.  I meet them at dance around 5:30 after I get off work.  He always has stories to tell me when I get there.  Here's yesterday's story....

Pop was loading her up in this truck to go to dance...
Bella:  I want to sit over there...pointing to the middle
Pop:  No
Bella:  Why not?
Pop:  Because I don't want to have to climb in the truck to buckle you in.
Bella:  You can go to the other side. 

Smarty pants.

Last night another one of those dang commercials with the puppies comes on.  Now I loves animals but honestly, I can't stand those commercials.  They just bug me.  And my Bella....stops in her tracks...

Bella:  Oh Mommy, look at those poor little puppies.  They are so sad because they don't have a home for no one to love them and snuggle.  Oh look at that white one...oh and that one!  Oh my goodness, look at that kitty cat. 
Me:  (Rolling me eyes thinking to myself....she is gonna be that woman with 20 pets when she grows up.  I just know it....bringing home strays, etc.  Yes, this will be MY daughter)

And while there is nothing wrong with that....Brewster is a rescue dog thank you very much.  I just think it takes an awesome person to have that many animals.  My daughter will be one of them.  Mark my words.

A little later she hands me an ad she pulled out of a magazine....

Bella:  (Almost squealing) Here mommy, you need one of these!
Me:  Excuse me??  (Its a No No)
Bella:  It take all your hair off...not here (patting her head) but on your arms and your face and your whegs (legs)...
Me:  How do you know this?
Bella:  Because I saw it on TB...and you need one...in PINK!!
Me:  Oh really?  I have hair on my face?
Bella:  Just a little but it takes hair off your arms like this....(rolls her sleeve up to show me the hair on her arm) and will get the polka dots off your whegs...you need it.

Good grief....

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