Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving Week

So much to be thankful for this year.  I've come a long way and I'm proud of what I have accomplished in the last year and a half.  Lots of changes and lots of new beginnings.  Some of them scary, some exciting and some just down right fun! 

I know I talk about my babies all the time but guys...they are the world to me.  They have saved me countless times from going into that deep dark place that I probably would have never come back from.  I love them more than anything and am so happy God blessed me with them.  I may lose my patience from time to time but I think all moms do.  And I may want just 2 minutes of quiet to myself but again, I think all moms do.  I love watching my babies learn and play together.  Christopher is an amazing big brother and Isabella is the sweetest little sister.  They both are always concerned for the other and very protective of each other.  And my sweet Jace, I know he's keeping an eye on them all the time.  

Today, and every day I am thankful for my 3 sweet blessings...they are great kids. 

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