Wednesday, September 28, 2016

I'm So Excited

I'm so excited and I just can't hide it!

Everyone who has said good morning to me today has followed up with a "how are you?" and I'm all like "its my Friday!!!"  And they are're so lucky!!  And I'm like, "yes I am'!!

It has finally cooled off a bit here so that helps with this funk I've been in. This weekend with girlfriends and shopping in Canton will help too. I have taken off a couple extra days so I will have a 5-day weekend.  I have the vacation time and well, it will be nice to have time to prepare for my trip and then have a day to recoup when I get back.  Bella is excited I will have some days off because that means she gets to be a car rider and mommy can pick her up.  Not so happy I'll be gone for a few days but she will be with her dad so she'll be fine.

I mentioned before that I really don't have anything particular I'm looking for this trip.  I've been kinda looking around the house, on the walls, etc to see where I might want to add something.  I do have some space above the cabinets in the kitchen that I could hang some things.  Its all empty because I really can't decide what to put there and too, some things are just too big.  I dislike that space.  If there is going to be space, then it should be open so I can display things on top of the cabinets.  Otherwise, the cabinets should go all the way to the ceiling. Its wasted space in my humble opinion. This trip will be more of a look and see what I find type deal.  I still want a large clock to hang in the living/dining area.  There was one I saw in Canton last year that I am still kicking myself for not picking up.  I have seen it in the homes of two other bloggers I follow and I am super jealous because it looks great and would be a perfect fit in my home as well.  I have searched for it online and found it but at a price I'm not willing to pay.  Not when I know it was much less in Canton. Maybe I'll find something else this year.  Or maybe, just maybe, one day I will finally walk into Hobby Lobby and buy a damn clock when they are half off and be done with it.  I'm telling you, I can be very indecisive about things and other times, I can make a quick decision.  Weirdo.

It will be fun trip to see what quirky things I find for home or if I find any Christmas gifts along the way. That is a whole other story.  I have two gifts purchased. One of my friends posted a picture of her wrapping gifts on FB the other day.  She has ordered everything online and is just about done. She wraps everything as it comes in so her kids can't see what she's bought.  I'm so jealous.

So there you have excited but jealous and opinionated and somewhat indecisive Wednesday!    

I'm more excited than anything...............


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