Monday, December 14, 2009


Have you ever been blindsided?  I mean really blindsided?  Like in a way that has left you sitting there with your jaw sitting on the ground, dumbfounded by what you are hearing and utterly speechless?  I found myself in that exact situation yesterday.  I'm still struggling with what I have been told.  And for many reasons, I am not going to tell you what it is that has left me in this state.  I'm not ready.  I just needed to get this out of my system and now, I must end this post because if I continue talking, I will give away too much...and I'm not ready to do that.  I just needed you to know that I've been blindsided...and it sucks.


Tricia said...

Aw, Missy. I am so sorry.

caryn said...

missy - I am so sorry that you've been blindsided by life. know that you are in our prayers and you can always call me or my mom (I know she's not the same as yours, but she's pretty good!) let me know if you need anything more than prayers!!