Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pink Eye

Yes, it was confirmed about an hour ago that I do indeed have pink eye.  I've never had pink eye before.  I quite honestly thought I just had something in my eye that I couldn't wash out (guess I did-snicker, snicker) because my eye hurts more than anything.  I never knew it was this painful.  My wonderful eye doctor gave me an antibiotic, which I'm waiting on to be filled, and eye wash that I will be enjoying every hour.  Always heard pink eye was contagious so naturally my concern has now gone to my kids.  How do I keep them from getting this?  My hands are already going raw from washing them so much this morning.  I've taken Clorox wipes and have been cleaning everything possible and washing binkies, cups and bottles before my girl gets home.  Do you think I could make a bubble of sorts to put me in...something with hands and legs so I can still do all the things that need to be done but so I wouldn't be contagious?  Did I spell that right?  Contagious?  Just doesn't look right and I don't have spellcheck on my blog.  Sorry...side-tracked there.  Anyway...I'm home today and thinking of 34 million things I could get done but most of it involves leaving the house to take care of errands that I would otherwise have to do in the evenings after work.  We're going to Victoria Saturday to see my Dad's family. We get together with them at least 2 times a year...this would be our Spring gathering.  Just need to get drinks, snacks and make some kind of dish to take.  I'm thinking a pasta salad...both the kids like that and its easy to make.  Maybe if I wore gloves while I'm out?  You see how my mind works...all over the place all the time, thinking, thinking, thinking.  Am I the only one who does this?  Okay, okay...I'm gonna go but to sum it up.  I have pink eye, it sucks, I'm cleaning everything, wanting to run errands so I don't have to tomorrow evening, thinking about dishes to make and did I mention I have pink eye and it sucks?  Have a good one!     

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