Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day Weekend

My sweet, sweet girl and I last Friday.  Love this girl so very much.  She was being extra loving and sweet to mommy Friday morning so we had to snap a picture of us....

I had one minor meltdown going into Mother's Day weekend.  My children were with their dad so I was alone and looking at posts on FB of all the people who are lucky enough to still have their Mom with them.  I struggle with this day.  I love having my babies home with me, and while they did come home to me Sunday, I would have preferred to have the whole weekend.  I should have argued the weekend but I didn't because that's just me.  On the bright side of things, this happened Saturday...

Yep, that is my honey. So happy to see him and spend time with him.  We went to Shady's because we both love their shrimp and fried pickles.  Seriously, when in Angleton, you must go there and have a bite to eat.  Haven't had anything bad.  We put some good ole classic country tunes on the jukebox and had a great time with each other.  Things are going really good.  Still difficult being apart but we would rather be together so we're working on it.  

My babies came home at lunch time Sunday and proceeded to shower me with love, hugs and these sweet gifts....

And the tears started flowing with this first, a necklace with each of my babies names. Pure love.
Then my boy surprised me with something he made for me...

I absolutely had no idea he knew how to weld yet.  Y'all, he made this cross at school for me.  He welded the horseshoes together himself. He wanted to put a star in the middle but couldn't find what he wanted so he added the flowers.  I think he did an awesome job.  So proud of him.

I had a few things to pick up at the store so Bella and I ran to Wal-Mart and Kroger to get some those things and then we went to Karen and Eric's for an early Mother's Day supper.  I absolutely had to get a picture of me with my children on Mother's Day.  It is a must for me.

I love these beautiful babies.  They are growing up so fast so I am trying hard not to blink and enjoy every minute I have with them.  

Happy Belated Mother's Day to the mommies out there...

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