Tuesday, May 31, 2016

State Bound

Look out Austin, Angleton is coming your way for the state softball playoffs!!

In case you haven't or seen all the pictures taking over FB, the Angleton Ladycats are Region 3 Champs and they are state bound!!

I couldn't be more excited for my sister and her girls.  They are an awesome group of ladies and so much fun to watch.  My sister has been coaching since she graduated from UTSA, taking a few years off when Makenna was born but came back to it when the position in Angleton became available.  She has taken her girls to the play-offs every year she has been coaching but this will be her first trip to State!  I'm so stinkin' proud....

Hugs from Daddy....

hugs from her mother-in-law, Esther....

Bella had to get a picture with her Cici and the trophy...

Y'all, when they made that last out, I cried and cried and cried........the tears just kept coming. Evidently it runs in the family because when I got to my sister, she said they keep coming and won't stop!  Heck, I'm tearing up now just thinking about it.  

This is now my favorite picture of me and my sister....

Oh my gosh, we are so excited to be making this trip to Austin this weekend.  Bella will be missing the last day of school (no biggy) and making the trip with me Thursday evening. The girls play Friday morning at 9:00 a.m. Bonus...did I mention that the state play-offs are at the University of Texas softball complex??  I'm super excited about that as well since I've never been to this field and just happen to be a UT fan. 

Needless to say, getting through this week will be tough.  I'm antsy.  I'M ANTSY...can you imagine how my sister and the girls must feel? Good thing I will only be working 3 days this week. WooHoo! 

Cheers y'all! 

Friday, May 13, 2016

Fun Friday

Happy Friday the 13th Y'all!!

No matter what the date is, its Friday and that means its a good day for me.  You know how I love me some Fridays!

Picked up my latte for today and its really hitting the spot for me today.

I have to tell y'all, I've been silently participating in DADIM this year.  Just haven't taken pics of what I've been wearing.  I did the first day but failed miserably with pictures the other days.  I'm in my good ole jeans today though.  One of my reasons I love Fridays....its jeans day at work.  Not going to pass that up!

My sweet girl was being silly last night with me...making faces and just being a little ham.  We took several pictures but this one came out the best.  The others were blurry cause she was moving all over the place.

We have absolutely nothing really going on this weekend.  Desperately need to get the yard done.  Oh...I watered the garden last night, damn near drowned it.  I turned it on about 8:00 and totally forgot about it.  Woke up at 3:30 in the morning and remembered I never turned it off. Let's hope it enjoys all that water and doesn't decide to up and die on me.  I normally set a timer so I don't forget but the kids came home right as I was setting it up and all bets were off.  I also need to get a new sprinkler.  The one I have is a cheap one and doesn't want to rotate anymore.  Hey, you get what you pay for and in this case, I paid maybe $10.  This is its fourth garden so its time.    

I also need to get serious about replacing my mail box and the post.  The current mail box doesn't stay closed.  Come home many a days to find it wide open.  Its annoying.  We tighten the screws but they continue to come loose so its time.  The post also needs to be replaced. You can buy a purdy one at Lowes for about $40 so maybe we'll look at doing that this weekend.  Look out Lowes, here we come!  

My niece texted me this morning....wants to grab a beer this Saturday evening.  Might have to accept her invite.  That beer would taste pretty darn good after working in the yard all day. :)

I'm also on the hunt for spring/summer purse.  I'm really loving the tote bags I've seen around.  I always like to carry something colorful for this time of year but Big Mama mentioned this one at Target and I really like it

They also have this one, and it comes in a variety of different colors but I like the neutral with the colorful tassels.   

I also love me a good Fossil bag....I've never been disappointed in any Fossil purse I've purchased.  And let's face, a Fossil will last a lot longer than a straw Target tote.  Lots of options to consider :)  

So that's what's going on in these parts.  Ready for the weekend as always.  I hope y'all have a good one!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Somebody cut her hair and it was a lot!! That somebody was me!!

Exhibit A...

Don't you just love my son's photo bomb? 

Exhibit B...

It feels so amazing and so much lighter. It was time for a change so I got chopped!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's Day Weekend

My sweet, sweet girl and I last Friday.  Love this girl so very much.  She was being extra loving and sweet to mommy Friday morning so we had to snap a picture of us....

I had one minor meltdown going into Mother's Day weekend.  My children were with their dad so I was alone and looking at posts on FB of all the people who are lucky enough to still have their Mom with them.  I struggle with this day.  I love having my babies home with me, and while they did come home to me Sunday, I would have preferred to have the whole weekend.  I should have argued the weekend but I didn't because that's just me.  On the bright side of things, this happened Saturday...

Yep, that is my honey. So happy to see him and spend time with him.  We went to Shady's because we both love their shrimp and fried pickles.  Seriously, when in Angleton, you must go there and have a bite to eat.  Haven't had anything bad.  We put some good ole classic country tunes on the jukebox and had a great time with each other.  Things are going really good.  Still difficult being apart but we would rather be together so we're working on it.  

My babies came home at lunch time Sunday and proceeded to shower me with love, hugs and these sweet gifts....

And the tears started flowing with this first, a necklace with each of my babies names. Pure love.
Then my boy surprised me with something he made for me...

I absolutely had no idea he knew how to weld yet.  Y'all, he made this cross at school for me.  He welded the horseshoes together himself. He wanted to put a star in the middle but couldn't find what he wanted so he added the flowers.  I think he did an awesome job.  So proud of him.

I had a few things to pick up at the store so Bella and I ran to Wal-Mart and Kroger to get some those things and then we went to Karen and Eric's for an early Mother's Day supper.  I absolutely had to get a picture of me with my children on Mother's Day.  It is a must for me.

I love these beautiful babies.  They are growing up so fast so I am trying hard not to blink and enjoy every minute I have with them.  

Happy Belated Mother's Day to the mommies out there...

Monday, May 2, 2016

Its Already May

How the hell did that happen?  We are in the fifth month of the year....fifth!!  Geez, time is flying.

So its May and you know what that means...its also "A Dress A Day In May".  Yes y'all, I'm giving it another go. I will do my best to participate every day but as in years past, the weekends will prove to be more difficult.  I will give it a try though so stay tuned for what I come up with.

Not much to report in these here parts.  My sister's softball team, Angleton Lady Cats are in the play-offs again this year.  The ended the season as District Champs with a 10-0 record! Yeah buddy.  They played Texas City last week and won in two games.  They play Crosby this week in the same set up.  Going to hopefully travel to LaPorte this Friday to see them do their thing.

My Coastie nephew came in for a short visit last Thursday.  While we all worked, he and his daddy played, and rightfully so.  They went to Huntsville to see Sam (Houston) and see a few other sights, did some fishing at our cousin Sharla's place then came home Saturday.  We met up at Shady's later for supper and some of our favorite people joined us...

Bella loves her Paul...

Earlier that day, the kids and I volunteered at the Port's annual Take-a-Child Fishing Tournament.  It was a good turn out considering everyone thought we were going to call it off due to the weather however, it was a low number compared to past years.  As always, I had someone take a pic of me with my babies. This year's photographer was Callie....

Look at those sweet kids.  They both love volunteering at the tournament.  Chris has been going to this since he was Bella's age and he still enjoys his time there.  Bella's favorite activity is riding on the golf carts with the guys, eating a snow cone and hoping her number will be drawn for a door prize.  This year she wanted to fish.  Momma didn't bring anything to fish with so I will have to make a mental note for next year.  She didn't want to last year so I figured she wouldn't this year. What I get for figuring, huh.   

All in all, it was a good weekend.  Daddy and Lena came home early Sunday morning from their Hawaiian vacation so we all headed there to cook a late lunch and enjoy our last day with Paul before he headed back. I could have used another day off to get caught up at the house.  We won't discuss how it looks right now.  Thank goodness Paul didn't mind the mess when he came to stay with us Saturday night.  All I can say is...you can tell we LIVE in our home.  :)

I guess I'll end this now.  I will try to stay in touch with the blogging world more. 

Love & Hugs!!