Wednesday, March 1, 2017

March Is Here

Holy wow!  I am absolutely blown away that it is already March.  I shouldn't be because time seems to be flying by faster and faster but always surprises me.

I pulled out my green wreath this past weekend and hung it up.  You know, the one I made with fabric and a wire hanger a couple years ago.  This one...

That is all I have for St. Patrick's Day.  I don't really decorate for that but I do love my wreath and the pop of green. 

I saw this on Pinterest.  Really cute and love all the little clover but no way I could ever do this.  I am not that talented.

I am starting to get in the mood for Spring.  Bella and I have been to Lowes twice and bought flowers both times.  Some of the lilies in the front flower bed have already bloomed.  This warm weather has a lot of things confused.  I wanted more cold weather so I guess that's why I'm torn with this.  I don't feel like I got my fix.  Oh, let's be honest, I never get my fix of cold weather.  Ha!  

Do you associate a specific color with each month?  I realized this morning that I totally do, and I find it funny that my colors don't match the birthstone of the months. Weird how my head works sometimes.  As you can tell I associate green with the month of March.  Another thing that is interesting is that Cindy's birthday is in March (this Friday to be exact) and her favorite color is green.  My birthday is in February and my favorite color is red and I've always associated red with the month of February.  Mom's birthday is July 4th and her favorite color was blue.  Maybe its a girl thing because Christopher's birthday is in February too, but his favorite color is not red.  And for that matter, Scott's birthday is in May and his favorite color is red.  I'm not sure what color I associate with May but I know its not red.  

Okay...I'll get off that tangent I just went on.  Sorry, sometimes I just have to get out all the weird thoughts and questions I have wandering around in my head.  Those that read this get to be the recipients.  I apologize.  

Guess I should get moving with my morning and this 1st day of March.  I hope y'all have a great day.  Oh yes...its the first day of Lent!!   Daddy and Lena are having family dinner tonight so I'm excited I don't have to cook and also that we're having catfish!  Woo Hoo!!

Have a good one!

1 comment:

The Mitchell Family said...

I was just thinking this morning....slow already March! Slow it down!