Wednesday, March 10, 2010

14 Months & Running

Miss Isabella turned 14 months old yesterday.  I was just sitting here thinking about all the funny things she does and how good she is getting at all the new things she is trying to do.  For instance, stepping down from the kitchen door to the garage. Its a big step for my girl but she is getting the hang of it quite well.  She loves being outside--LOVES IT!  I'm so happy warmer days are coming and rainy days are fewer.  I know its hard to believe you're seeing those words come from me but we have fun playing outside, especially with bubbles.  Did I mention my girl also loves bubbles.  We went on a bubble-making toys finding mission this past weekend.  We found a couple things but I still think there is more to be found!  Sweet Bella also loves balls.  I have been trying to find something for her along those lines for when baseball/softball games start.  Something to help keep her happy while we're at the games.  Of course it has to be in pink so I haven't really found anything yet.  She is getting the hang of a sippy cup...I rarely give her a bottle during the day, only when she's in one of her really fussy, I just need one suck from my bottle and I'll be out type moods.  I need to try (gulp) taking her bottle away at night (gulp again).  I dread this transition, truly dread it.  Christopher was so easy with this.  Once he figured the sippy cup out, he said the heck with bottles.  And the sweet boy never was interested in a binky.  Not my girl.  The binky has saved my life on more than one occasion, especially at night...same with the bottle.  God bless the inventor of those things.  But seriously, I've got one month to break this girl off the bottle.  I've been reading up and have a few ideas but I'm still dreading it.  Do you have any tips?  Vanilla Oreos--I've created a mini version of me and my sister!  The girl loves them, just as we do and knows exactly where they are in the cabinet!  Which brings me to something else she is doing well...and its so dang cute!  She will go to the cabinet/pantry and get whatever she is interested in and bring it to Mommy to give her.  Oh I love it!  She's getting better about picking things up that she really shouldn't remotes, phones, dirt, grass, whatever and if I say, "bring it to Mommy", she will bring it to me.  I always say thank you...and sometimes she will say, "you're welcome".  Love it!  Her brother--have I mentioned before that she adores her brother?  I really think she gushes when she sees him.  Its such a sweet relationship those two have.  He feels the same about her.  Crinkling that sweet nose when she smiles--she gets that from me (giggle, giggle).  I could keep going but I'm fairly certain I'm about to run out of room and you just might be possibly bored with my ramblings about my 14 month old daughter.  To sum it up, Isabella is a very happy girl and that makes me happy...except when she's fussy and then I search frantically for her binky!  Have a good one!       

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is so sweet!!! I love your ramblings. You share with us what we don't get to always see. My heart is with you on the bottle and binky. Those are hard ones...I still remember that one even after 32 years. My boys would not take a binky even though I tried. Stevan gave the bottle up easy. Michael was another story. I had to paste hair on his. I sounds gross but he was such a texture freak. He hated it and would not touch it after about 2 times of that. Keep posting I love it. Aunt Cheryl