Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Picture Party

Hey look, I can finally download pictures again!!  Woo Hoo!  So I've decided to have a picture party and share what I've been wanting to post...
First up...sweet pics of Miss Bella I wanted to post for her birthday :).  These were the pics on her birthday party invitation. 

Happy Birthday Toot Marie!!

Saw this on true!  However, I do need to add a tag under it that says..."or my brother!" because that is usually the case with me.  Couldn't make it without either of them helping me out.
Boo and her new house.  Her Aunt DiDi got her this for her birthday.  It finally came in and we got it put together in time to surprise her after she and Chris came home from their weekend with Jeff. She was so excited.  Can you tell?

My little Picasso...

Me and my niece Stephanie headed to Target to do a little retail therapy :)

Ah yes..Christopher and Jordan, my ninjas.  They were goofing around outside with Christopher's airsoft pellet guns, decided it would be a good idea to scare Jordan's mom when she came to get him.  Didn't work.  Momma was on Jana's side.  :)
Christopher's new boots...was a good purchase.  The boy hasn't gone a day without them on his feet.  He loves them.
Me and my sweet babies.  I love this picture because you can really see just how tall my handsome son is getting.  Makes momma proud.


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