Wednesday, January 22, 2014

#missyeveryday2014 Week 2

Can you say EPIC FAIL?!?  I knew this challenge was going to be difficult but I really wanted to give it a whirl because truthfully, I probably take a picture of something every day.  However, when it came down to choosing and posting, I became VERY picky.  Yes I know that's hard to believe but its very true...I'm picky. There I said it.  Aren't you proud of me? 

So I'm here to give you the second week...beyond that I failed miserably.

Day 8
Chicken Noodle Soup, comfy pajamas, quilt and Gibbs on TV.  Mommas was feeling like crap so I called in all my special things to help me feel better. 
Day 9
Happy 5th Birthday to my sweet Bella!!
Day 10
Just laying around.  Love my boy...he is always quiet.
Day 11
Enjoying the flowers Daddy & Lena brought Bella for her birthday party.  You know me and fresh flowers. :)
Day 12
Target run with my favorite 5 year old...
Day 13
Toot Marie!!  You never know what you'll get when she comes out of her room. #Hollywood
I missed Day 14, but did get in Day 15 before the EPIC FAIL I mentioned above happened.

Day 15
My love....
So there you have Week 2 of #missyeverday2014.  I can't promise I'll give you anything past this point.  I mean, there are pictures and I posted them but I didn't label them so technically they aren't #missyeveryday2014. We'll see how I do...
Y'all have a good one and stay tuned for a post on my amazing prince.

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