Saturday, March 5, 2011

Belated Birthday Wishes & A Very Special Day

I need to send out additional belated birthday wishes to the bestest sister any girl could ever have.  We got to recently spend some good sister time together and I think it was much needed for both of us.  This sister of mine is always there for me through everything.  We laugh, cry and fight together, although I can't remember that last time we had a fight.  Guess we're getting wiser.  She's the best and I love her so very much!  Cheers to you sis!

Remember that very special day I mentioned in my last post?  Well its today. Today my daddy is getting married!!  And in case you were wondering I did find a very special dress for this very special day.  I'm excited and nervous at the same time.  I'm worried I will fall apart later today because even though I'm happy for daddy and Lena and I'm totally okay with them getting married, its still hard.  There's still that part of me that feels weird about it, a part that says "but what about Mom?"  I've been having a lot of "holy shit, my daddy is getting married" moments.  Moments where I can't breathe and pinch myself to see if this is all real.  But even in all those moments, I am so happy my daddy has found someone.  I'm happy he will not be alone anymore.  They have so much fun together and you can see their happiness in their faces every time they are together.  Cheers to them!!  Welcome to our crazy family Lena!!  

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