Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me

Yes, its true...yesterday was my 38th birthday.  It was a cold 38 degrees outside and rainy.  So for me, this is an extra special day because I love the cold weather and I love rainy weather.  Would much rather have been home in my jammies curled up on the couch but that's okay.  I wasn't going to blog about my birthday because that kind of seems weird to me but I wanted you all to know what fabulous family and friends I have in my life.  They all have been a great support group for me in the last couple months.  My day started with a 504 meeting at the school with Christopher's counselor and teachers to discuss how he's doing and if any of his modifications should be changed to prepare the paperwork for the TAKS testing in March.  We had a good meeting and he is moving along just fine.  Still needs the extra time and help but he is doing well.  I came to work after that to have breakfast tacos with some of my co-workers.  They were kind enough to wait on me and celebrate my special day.  My sweet friend Marilee took me to lunch and gave me lots of little goodies for my birthday including kitchen towels.  I know you may think that's silly or weird but I have a ktichen towel fettish.  Its strange I know but I'm of the opinion you can never have enough of them.  I think I get that from my Mom because she always had a big drawer full of them and we never ran out when we had gatherings at the house.  Later in the afternoon we had birthday cookie cake that my friend Lauren made for me.  If you'll recall, she is the same person who made Isabella's birthday cakes.  The cookie cake was yummilicious and we even had a few pieces left so I could take them home to share with Chris and Bella.  For dinner, the kids and I joined the rest of my family for dinner at Chili's.  I really wanted El Toro but the weather was just so nasty out that we didn't want to drive to Clute so we stayed in town.  I have lost count of the many birthday wishes I received via text message, on FB or email.  These wishes have meant so much to me, especially this year.  February is always a tough month for me but when I have all these awesome people in my life to help me through it and make my day special, it makes things a little easier.  I am truly, truly blessed to have all of you in my life.  Thank you and hugs from me to you!


Tricia said...

Happy Birthday to you!!! It would be perfectly acceptable to milk your birthday for at least a week.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that you got to do something special for your special day. Sounds like you had an awesome day and evening. I agree with Tricia, milk it for all it is worth! Love and hugs little girl! Aunt Cheryl